New Hanover is one of the five American states in Red Dead Redemption 2. It's the largest territory in the game.
The diverse state of New Hanover is a land of sprawling plains and forests, perfect for hunters and herbalists. Outside the mining towns and oilfields, untapped nature waits.
The state of New Hanover is located in the east part of the map in Red Dead Redemption 2. It's divided in three regions: The Heartlands, Cumberland Forest and Roanoke Ridge.
Below you find the list of Animals, Horses, Weapons, Characters and Gangs you can encounter in Red Dead Redemption 2 in the state of New Hanover, as well as the Missions taking place in the territory, photos, videos and more.
RDR2: New Hanover Map
- Based on (Real Life) Various American Great Plains States
Main Locations in New Hanover
New Hanover Video Documentary
Animals Species & Wildlife in New Hanover
American Bison
American Black Bear
American Gray Fox
American Pronghorn Buck
American Pronghorn Doe
American Red Fox
American Red Squirrel
Angus Bull
Angus Ox
Australian Shepherd
Baltimore Oriole
Berkshire Pig
Big China Pig
Black Squirrel
Blue Jay
Bluetick Coonhound
Border Collie
Brown Pelican
Canada Goose
Chesapeake Bay Retriever
Common Loon
Cuban Land Crab
Devon Bull
Devon Ox
Diamondback Rattlesnake
Eastern Wild Turkey
Gray Wolf
Legendary Beaver
Legendary Bighorn Ram
Legendary Elk
Legendary Moose
Legendary Muskie
Legendary Perch
Little Brown Bat
Mallard Duck
Merino Sheep
Midland Water Snake
Neotropic Cormorant
North American Beaver
North American Raccoon
Northern Cardinal
Northern Copperhead Snake
Northern Water Snake
Old Spot Pig
Pacific Loon
Pekin Duck
Pileated Woodpecker
Red-tailed Hawk
Ring-necked Pheasant
Rock Pigeon
Rocky Mountain Bull Elk
Rocky Mountain Cow Elk
Sandhill Crane
Silver Fox
Southern Copperhead Snake
Standard Donkey
Timber Rattlesnake
Timber Wolf
Western Chipmunk
Western Gray Squirrel
Western Moose
Whooping Crane
Wild Boar
Horse Breeds in New Hanover
Kentucky Saddler
Tennessee Walker
Weapons found in New Hanover
Calloway's Revolver
Civil War Knife
Granger's Revolver
Lowry's Revolver
Rare Shotgun
Rusted Double Bit Hatchet
Schofield Revolver
Viking Hatchet
Characters living or found in New Hanover
Gangs & Factions found in New Hanover
Missions taking place in New Hanover
6. Eastward Bound
7. Polite Society, Valentine Style
8. Americans at Rest
9. Who is Not without Sin
10. Exit Pursued by a Bruised Ego
12. Paying a Social Call
13. A Quiet Time
15. Good, Honest, Snake Oil
16. We Loved Once and True (I, II & III)
18. Money Lending and Other Sins - III
19. The Spines of America
22. A Fisher of Men
23. An American Pastoral Scene
24. The Sheep and the Goats
39. Sodom? Back to Gomorrah
40. Blessed are the Peacemakers
65. Dear Uncle Tacitus
68. That's Murfree Country
71. Just a Social Call
72. Do Not Seek Absolution - I
73. Do Not Seek Absolution - II
77. The Delights of Van Horn
78. The Bridge to Nowhere
82. The Fine Art of Conversation
85. Favored Sons
86. The King's Son
87. My Last Boy
89. Red Dead Redemption
98. Gainful Employment