West Elizabeth is one of the five American states in Red Dead Redemption 2.
Whether you're hunting bison on the Great Plains, taking in the views of Big Valley, or braving the sinister region of Tall Trees, West Elizabeth is rich and full of opportunity.
The state of West Elizabeth is located in the west part of the map in Red Dead Redemption 2. It's divided in three regions: Tall Trees, Great Plains, and Big Valley.
Below you find the list of Animals, Horses, Weapons, Characters and Gangs you can encounter in Red Dead Redemption 2 in the state of West Elizabeth, as well as the Missions taking place in the territory, photos, videos and more.
RDR2: West Elizabeth Map

- Based on (Real Life) Various Western American States
Main Locations in West Elizabeth
West Elizabeth Video Documentary
Animals Species & Wildlife in West Elizabeth
American Bison
American Black Bear
American Gray Fox
American Pronghorn Buck
American Pronghorn Doe
American Red Fox
American Red Squirrel
Angus Bull
Angus Ox
Bald Eagle
Band-tailed Pigeon
Border Collie
Brown Pelican
California Quail
Coastal Horned Owl
Common Loon
Devon Bull
Devon Ox
Ferruginous Hawk
Golden Eagle
Hooded Oriole
Legendary Buck
Legendary Rock Bass
Mallard Duck
Neotropic Cormorant
North American Raccoon
Northern Cardinal
Pacific Loon
Pekin Duck
Red-tailed Hawk
Ring-necked Pheasant
Rocky Mountain Bighorn Ram
Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep
Siberian Husky
Sierra Nevada Bighorn Ram
Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep
Southern Copperhead Snake
Western Bull Moose
Western Chipmunk
Western Gray Squirrel
Western Moose
Wild Boar
Yellow-billed Loon
Horse Breeds in West Elizabeth
American Standardbred
Hungarian Halfbred
Kentucky Saddler
Morgan Horse
Nokota Horse
Tennessee Walker
Weapons found in West Elizabeth
Antler Knife
Double Bit Hatchet
Semi-Auto Shotgun
Stone Hatchet
Wide-Blade Knife
Characters living or found in West Elizabeth

Gangs & Factions found in West Elizabeth
Missions taking place in West Elizabeth
11. The First Shall Be Last
14. Blessed are the Meek?
28. Money Lending and Other Sins - IV
75. The Course of True Love - IV & V
84. Mrs. Sadie Adler, Widow (I & II)
90. The Wheel
91. Simple Pleasures
92. Farming, for Beginners
93. Fatherhood, for Beginners
94. Old Habits
95. Jim Milton Rides, Again?
96. Fatherhood, for Idiots
97. Motherhood
98. Gainful Employment
99. The Landowning Classes / Home of the Gentry?
101. Home Improvement for Beginners
102. An Honest Day's Labors
103. The Tool Box
104. A New Jerusalem
105. A Quick Favor for an Old Friend
106. Uncle's Bad Day
107. Trying Again
108. A Really Big Bastard
109. A New Future Imagined
110. American Venom