Guarma is a tropical island featured in Red Dead Redemption 2. This is a special location that is not part of the main map of the game, as it is accessed only during Chapter 5 of the Story Mode.
Guarma is a sugar cane plantation island, and is described to be the second island east of Cuba. It is home to exotic bird species and other animals that can be found exclusively on Guarma.
The island is dominated by Colonel Fussar, a local tyrant, kept in power by the sugar companies.
Guarma can normally be accessed only during Chapter 5 of the RDR2 Story. However, it is possible to reach it at any time using a glitch (see the video below).
Below you find the list of Animals and Characters you can encounter in in the island of Guarma, as well as the Missions taking place in the territory, photos, videos and more.
RDR2: Guarma Map

- Based on (Real Life) Cuba
Animals Species & Wildlife in Guarma
Cuban Land Crab
Fer-de-Lance Snake
Great green Macaw
Green Iguana
Rainbow Boa Snake
Red Boa Snake
Red-footed Booby
Scarlet Macaw
Sunglow Boa Snake
Characters living or found in Guarma
Missions taking place in Guarma
60. Welcome to the New World
61. Savagery Unleashed
62. A Kind and Benevolent Despot
63. Hell Hath No Fury
64. Paradise Mercifully Departed