GTA 3 Safehouses & Properties Guide

On this page you find all the safehouses available in Grand Theft Auto III, as well as in the GTA 3 Definitive Edition, along with their map locations.
GTA III features 3 safehouses / hideouts for Claude, one in each of the islands of Liberty City (Portland, Staunton Island, and Shoreside Vale), which are unlocked automatically, for free, as you progress through the story.
Safe houses in GTA III allow you to save progress by approaching the front door, and they also give you the ability to store cars inside the garages. In addition, mission rewards and weapons unlocked by collecting hidden packages will spawn at all safehouses / hideouts.
Unlike GTA Vice City and GTA San Andreas, GTA III does not have the ability to buy new properties, meaning these three hideouts are the only saving points in the game. However, the GTA 3 Definitive Edition makes things a little easier thanks to the auto-save feature.
Clicking on a safehouse below brings you to their detailed information, location, how to unlock each property, and more.
All Safehouses Hideouts in GTA 3: Full List

Portland Hideout

Staunton Island Hideout

Shoreside Vale Hideout
GTA 3 Safehouse Weapons & Items Rewards
All three Safehouses in GTA 3 also serve as spawn locations for various items and weapons rewarded to the player.
These include police bribes, health pickups, adrenaline pills, and most importantly, weapons and body armor.
How to get Weapons at Hideouts in GTA 3:
By collecting "Hidden Packages" scattered throughout Liberty City, you will unlock weapons to spawn directly at Claude's safehouses / hideouts.
There is a total of 100 Hidden Packages to collect in GTA III, and a new weapon will unlock for every 10 packages collected. Here are the specific rewards:
Total Packages | Safehouse Reward |
10 Hidden Packages | Pistol |
20 Hidden Packages | Uzi |
30 Hidden Packages | Grenades |
40 Hidden Packages | Shotgun |
50 Hidden Packages | Body Armor |
60 Hidden Packages | Molotov Cocktail |
70 Hidden Packages | AK-47 |
80 Hidden Packages | Sniper Rifle |
90 Hidden Packages | M16 |
100 Hidden Packages | Rocket Launcher (and 1 Million Dollars) |
GTA 3 Safehouses / Hideouts Map Locations
Below you find a GTA 3 map with the locations of the three safe houses located in Portland, Staunton Island, and Shoreside Vale.