GTA 3 Missions List: All Story Missions Guide & Walkthrough

On this page you find the full list of all the GTA 3 Missions, along with a complete mission guide, locations, mission givers and rewards.
There are 67 missions in total in the storyline of Grand Theft Auto III, with 50 main missions plus 17 optional Pay Phone Missions which are not required for story progression. However, the Phone missions are still necessary for 100% completion of the game.
The GTA 3 missions below are listed in chronological order, grouped by the Location/Area they take place in, and the walkthrough also applies to the GTA III Definitive Edition.
Clicking on a GTA 3 mission brings you to its full details, with Mission Objectives, Video Walkthrough, and more information.
GTA 3: All Missions Index
Warning: Missable Missions in GTA 3
Generally, since some missions from different contacts become available at the same time, they can be played in a slightly different order.
However, GTA III has 10 missable missions that will become permanently inaccessible if you play them in the wrong order. If you miss these missions, you can still progress through the story, but you will be locked out of achieving 100% completion on the current save file.
If you want to achieve 100% completion and make sure you don't miss any of these missions, you must:
- Complete all the Joey's and Luigi's missions before playing "Last Requests" for Salvatore
- Complete all the Kenji Kasen missions before playing "Waka-Gashira Wipeout!" for Donald Love
- Complete "Two-Faced Tanner" before playing "Grand Theft Aero" for Donald Love
We listed the GTA 3 missions in the correct order below and marked the MISSABLE missions. It is strongly advised to make multiple save files that you can go back to in case you made a mistake and accidentally skipped a mission.
Portland Missions
Below you find the list of GTA 3 Missions taking place on the island of Portland. There are 22 main missions in this section before Staunton Island is unlocked. There are also 8 Pay Phone missions in Portland.

1. Give Me Liberty

2. Luigi's Girls

3. Don't Spank Ma Bitch Up

4. Drive Misty For Me

5. Pump-Action Pimp

6. The Fuzz Ball

7. Mike Lips Last Lunch

8. Farewell 'Chunky' Lee Chong

9. Van Heist

10. Cipriani's Chauffeur

11. Dead Skunk in the Trunk

12. The Getaway

13. Taking Out The Laundry

14. The Pick-Up

15. Salvatore's Called A Meeting

16. Chaperone

17. Triads and Tribulations

18. Blow Fish

19. Cutting The Grass

20. Bomb Da Base: Act I

21. Bomb Da Base: Act II

22. Last Requests

Staunton Island Missions
Below you find the list of GTA 3 Missions taking place on Staunton Island. There are 27 main missions plus 4 Pay Phone missions in Staunton Island.
Access to the third island, Shoreside Vale, is unlocked after completing A Drop In The Ocean.

23. Sayonara Salvatore

24. Under Surveillance

25. Paparazzi Purge

26. Payday For Ray

27. Two-Faced Tanner

28. Kanbu Bust-out

29. Grand Theft Auto

30. Deal Steal

31. Shima

32. Smack Down

33. Silence The Sneak

34. Arms Shortage

35. Evidence Dash

36. Gone Fishing

37. Plaster Blaster

38. Liberator

39. Waka-Gashira Wipeout!

40. A Drop In The Ocean

41. Grand Theft Aero

42. Escort Service

43. Decoy

44. Love's Disappearance

45. Marked Man

46. Bait

47. Espresso-2-Go!

48. S.A.M.

49. Ransom

Shoreside Vale Missions
Only one main story mission happens in Shoreside Vale Island, which is the very final mission of GTA 3. In addition, there are also 5 Pay Phone missions taking place in Shoreside Vale.

50. The Exchange

Pay Phone Missions (Optional)
In addition to the main missions, Claude can pick up optional missions given by various characters via certain Pay Phones across Liberty City.
The Pay Phone missions are not required for story progression, so they could be played at any time, even after the main GTA III storyline is completed.
However, if you want to achieve 100% completion, it is strongly advised to play these missions as soon as available on the respective island. The more you progress through the story, the more gangs will become increasingly hostile to you, which will make it a lot harder to complete these missions.
In particular, make sure to complete all Portland's phone missions before "Sayonara Salvatore", as after that mission Mafia will make your life really difficult in Portland.
Portland (El Burro & Marty Chonks)
Note: Marty Chonks' Pay Phone does not have a blip on the map. It's located outside of his factory in Trenton, near Joey's Garage, and it only rings between 9:00 to 19:00.

1. Turismo

2. I Scream, You Scream

3. Trial By Fire

4. Big'N Veiny

5. The Crook

6. The Thieves

7. The Wife

8. Her Lover
Staunton Island (King Courtney)

9. Bling-Bling Scramble

10. Uzi Rider

11. Gangcar Round-Up

12. Kingdom Come

Shoreside Vale (D-Ice)

13. Uzi Money

14. Toyminator

15. Rigged to Blow

16. Bullion Run

17. Rumble

How many missions are in GTA 3?
There are 67 main story missions in GTA 3 in total. You can find them all listed on this page.
Out of these, 17 missions are optional Phone missions (not required for story progression), so the main missions required to progress the GTA III storyline are 50.
However, all missions are required if you want to achieve 100% completion of the game.
GTA III Side Missions
In addition, GTA III features other optional Side Missions that can be played, which are still necessary for 100% completion.
See our section dedicated to the Side Missions in GTA 3, for a guide on all optional endeavors in the game, including the vehicles-based Sub-Missions, the 4 RC Toyz Missions, 4 Off-Road Challenges, and more.