Two-Faced Tanner is a main story mission in GTA 3, given to Claude by Asuka Kasen.
It's the 35° mission in GTA III in chronological order, and it takes place in Staunton Island. It becomes available after completing Payday For Ray.
Warning: Missable Mission
Tanner needs taking out.
Two-Faced Tanner: Mission Objectives
- Head over to the casino
- Take out Tanner
Two-Faced Tanner: Mission Info
- Mission Number 35
- Mission Type Optional (Missable)
- Mission Giver
Asuka Kasen
- Location Asuka's Condo, Newport
- State / Area Staunton Island
- Available After Mission (Story Mode)
- Required for 100% Yes
- Rewards $20,000
- Featuring
Liberty City Police Department (LCPD)
- Notes This is a missable mission, as it becomes unavailable if it's not completed before the mission "Grand Theft Aero".