The Noblest of Men, and a Woman (Gunslingers) is a Strangers side mission in Red Dead Redemption 2 given by Jim "Boy" Calloway and Theodore Levin.
The mission becomes available after completing Chapter 2 in the RDR2 Story Mode.
The Noblest of Men, and a Woman (Gunslingers) Mission Walkthrough
The Noblest of Men, and a Woman - I & II
An author needs your help tracking down famous gunslingers for interviews for his book about Jim "Boy" Calloway.
The Gunslingers mission strand can be started from Chapter 2 onward by talking to Theodore Levin, the "stranger" sitting at the bar in Keane's Saloon, on the east side of Valentine. He gives you four photos, as well as a camera.
The first four assignments each follow the same structure:
- First, open your satchel and examine one of the photos that Levin gave you: press X/A as you hold it to flip it and read the text on the back. This officially triggers the related gunslinger mission.
- Head to the waypoint that appears on your map and complete the required steps, as described in the walkthroughs below.
- Every time you are done with a gunslinger, be sure to collect their weapon from the ground (except for Black Belle which doesn't have a weapon to collect). These firearms have unique stylings - and this is your one and only chance to obtain them. If you leave and come back later, they will be gone.
- Before you leave, take a picture of each gunslinger. You need a close-up view of the entire body for the shot to qualify.

Emmet Granger
After reading the text on the back of Emmet Granger's photo, head to the small homestead in the highlighted area, directly east of Flatneck Station, and speak to the man. When asked to clean the hog pen, pick up the pitchfork. Press Square/X near manure to scoop it, then drop it off the wheelbarrow. After the cutscene, place dynamite on the manure store by holding R2/RT.
The events that follow lead to an inevitable duel, and you have no other choice than to kill Emmet. Disarming him is not an option, and he is extremely aggressive. As soon as the duel begins, hold R2/RT lightly when prompted to fill up your meter, then press fully to trigger the actual slow-motion effect: this leaves you ample time to adjust a clean headshot.
Once Emmet is down, collect his weapon (the Granger's Revolver). You can then equip your camera from the item wheel and take a picture of his body.

Flaco Hernandez
Flaco Hernandez is hiding out near Cairn Lake, a short distance to the southeast of Colter (where your camp is based during Chapter 1). His camp is guarded by a few men. Threaten them and they will let you through, or dispatch them if you prefer.
Flaco himself is inside the shack: call him out with your weapons holstered to make him step outside. A duel ensues: fill your meter by holding R2/RT lightly, then fully to trigger Dead Eye. You should ideally aim to kill the gunslinger with a headshot; if you disarm him, he will pull out a second weapon and attack again.
Collect Flaco's Revolver and take a suitable picture of his corpse before you depart.

Billy Midnight
Visit the Rhodes train station and speak to the clerk at the ticket booth to inquire about Billy Midnight. Hop aboard the train that pulls into the station, then head to the bar car to find the gunslinger. After you speak to him, give chase until you both end up atop a carriage.
A duel ensues and, once again, you need to fill your meter first (hold R2/RT lightly) then trigger Dead Eye (press firmly) and fire. Midnight will crouch so be prepared to aim low His death is unavoidable; even if you disarm him, he will take his own life with another gun, or die to a second shot to his hand.
Take a picture of his body and claim his Midnight's Pistol before you leave.

Black Belle
Black Belle is found in a stilt cabin at Bluewater Marsh, directly north of Saint Denis. After your meet with her, bounty hunters arrive. Press Square/X to detonate the explosives when she instructs you to, then help her to eliminate the various waves of reinforcements.
As soon as the wagon-mounted Gatling Gun enters the fray, be quick to pick off the individual manning it. More foes will continue to pour in from all directions. Take them all out, prioritizing anyone who attempts to head for the turret.
Once the dust settles, photograph Black Belle. There is no weapon to collect on this occasion.
The Noblest of Men, and a Woman - III & IV
Jim "Boy" Calloway wants to take credit for the tracking down of his old rivals, and wants to settle an old score with State Marshall, Slim Grant.
Once you have the pictures of all four gunslingers and complete the Chapter 4 story mission called "A Fine Night of Debauchery", this next step is unlocked. Return to the old saloon in Valentine and ask the bartender about Calloway.
He tells you where to find Levin and Calloway: on the Grand Korrigan riverboat in Saint Denis. Speak to the guard at the entrance on arrival to trigger a cutscene where you learn about your next target - Slim Grant.

Slim Grant
Make your way to the sheriff's office in Annesburg and speak to the lawman inside. After your conversation, head to the outlaw camp highlighted on your map, to the west of Annesburg, on the north side of the river. Your goal here is to capture Slim Grant, who is tied to a tree. There are only a handful of thugs to eliminate, so these should pose no problem.
Once they're all dead, cut Grant free then stow him on your horse and take him to the designated drop-off point to the northeast, by Brandywine Drop.
When the duel with Jim "Boy" Calloway begins after the cutscene, proceed as usual: hold R2/RT lightly when prompted to fill up your meter, then press fully to trigger the actual slow-motion effect and shoot your target. You can then claim his gun, the Calloway's Revolver.
The Noblest of Men, and a Woman (Gunslingers): Mission Info
- Mission Type Stranger Side Mission
- Mission Giver
Jim "Boy" Calloway,
Theodore Levin
- Location Valentine (The Heartlands, New Hanover)
- Available After Mission (Story Mode)
- Unlocked Items
Calloway's Revolver
Flaco's Revolver
Granger's Revolver
Midnight's Pistol
- Featuring
Chuck Wagon (Gatling)
Calloway's Revolver
Flaco's Revolver
Granger's Revolver
Maxim Gun / Gatling Gun
Midnight's Pistol
Alden Carruthers
Billy Midnight
Black Belle
Emmet Granger
Flaco Hernandez
Jim "Boy" Calloway
Slim Grant
Theodore Levin
- Notes This Stranger quest begins the Gunslingers activity.