RDR2 Chapter 2: Horseshoe Overlook
After a break in the weather, the gang have headed down from the mountains, and are now hiding at Horseshoe Overlook.
They are outside of Valentine, a muddy livestock town, and are figuring out their next moves while re-gathering their strength. Dutch is trying to figure out a new plane for the gang. Hosea is finding places to rob, while Karen and the girls are bored after being stuck in the mountains. Some old friends reappear.
- Protagonist (Playable) Arthur Morgan
- Location Horseshoe Overlook (The Heartlands, New Hanover)
RDR2 Chapter 2 Missions List:
- Rewards Unlocks the "To Greener Pastures" Trophy / Achievement.
- Unlocked Items Stone Hatchet Throwing Knife (Improved) Tomahawk (Homing) Tomahawk (Improved) A Better World, A New Friend (Hunting Requests) A Fine Night For It A Test of Faith (Dinosaur Bones Collectible) All That Giltters (Treasure Hunting) American Dreams Arcadia for Amateurs Fundraiser Geology for Beginners (Rock Carvings Collectible) The Noblest of Men, and a Woman (Gunslingers) The Smell of the Grease Paint Bay Roan Ardennes Bay Roan Morgan Horse Chocolate Roan Dutch Warmblood Dapple Dark Grey Hungarian Halfbred Dappled Black Thoroughbred Dark Bay Andalusian Horse Grey Kentucky Saddler Iron Grey Ardennes (War Horse) Palomino Dapple American Standardbred Palomino Morgan Horse Red Roan Tennessee Walker Sooty Buckskin Dutch Warmblood
- Featuring Stone Hatchet Throwing Knife (Improved) Tomahawk (Homing) Tomahawk (Improved) Van der Linde Gang Bay Roan Ardennes Bay Roan Morgan Horse Chocolate Roan Dutch Warmblood Dapple Dark Grey Hungarian Halfbred Dappled Black Thoroughbred Dark Bay Andalusian Horse Grey Kentucky Saddler Iron Grey Ardennes (War Horse) Palomino Dapple American Standardbred Palomino Morgan Horse Red Roan Tennessee Walker Sooty Buckskin Dutch Warmblood