The Palomino Dapple American Standardbred is a horse of the American Standardbred breed featured in Red Dead Redemption 2 and Red Dead Online.
It's classed as a Race Horse, with a Race handling type.
How to get the Palomino Dapple American Standardbred in Red Dead Online:
The Palomino Dapple American Standardbred can be purchased in Red Dead Online at any of the Stables or from the Handheld Catalogue, for a price of $150.00 or .
It's unlocked for purchase after reaching Rank 39 in Red Dead Online.
How to get the Palomino Dapple American Standardbred in RDR2 Story Mode:
The Palomino Dapple American Standardbred can be purchased in RDR2 Story Mode at the Valentine Stable for a price of $150.00.
It becomes available after completing Chapter 2 in Story Mode.
American Standardbred horses are one of the fastest breed making them excellent for racing. This breed handles well, is easy to train, but can be frightened by loud noises. They are healthy, and their average Stamina allows them to maintain a fast pace for a long time.
Palomino Dapple American Standardbred Statistics
- Overall 42.00
- Unlock Rank 39
Palomino Dapple American Standardbred Info
- Horse Breed American Standardbred
- Horse Class Race Horse
- Handling Type Race
- Acquisition Valentine Stable
- Available After Mission (Story Mode)
- Coat Style / Color Palomino Dapple
- Price Value $150.00 or
Story Mode Sale Price (based on Bonding Level):
LV.0 LV.1 LV.2 LV.3 LV.4 At Stable (Purchased) - $75.00 $97.50 $120.00 $142.50 At Stable (Stolen) $3.00 $6.00 $15.00 $22.50 $30.00 At Horse Fence $6.00 $12.00 $18.00 $30.00 $45.00
Palomino Dapple American Standardbred: Appearances
- Game Edition
Red Dead Online,
RDR 2 Story Mode
- Release Date October 26, 2018
- Appearances in Story Missions: