GTA San Andreas Missions List: All Story Missions Guide & Walkthrough

Here you find the full list of all Story Missions in GTA San Andreas, along with a complete mission guide, locations, mission givers and rewards. There are 100 missions in total in the main storyline of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.
The GTA San Andreas missions below are listed in chronological order, grouped by the Location/Area they take place in. Note that some missions from different contacts become available at the same time, so they can be played in a different order.
Also, 14 of these are optional side missions not required for story progression, meaning they can be completed at any time, even after the main storyline is completed. However, they are still required for 100% completion of the game.
Clicking on a GTA San Andreas mission brings you to its full details, with Mission Objectives, Video Walkthrough, Unlocked Items, and more information. The walkthrough also applies to the GTA San Andreas Definitive Edition.
GTA San Andreas: All Missions Index
Los Santos Missions
Below you find the list of GTA San Andreas Missions taking place in Los Santos. There are 28 missions in this section before the next area of the map is unlocked.

In the Beginning

1. Big Smoke

2. Sweet & Kendl

3. Ryder

4. Tagging Up Turf

5. Cleaning the Hood

6. Drive-Thru

7. Nines and AK's

8. Drive-By

9. Sweet's Girl

10. Cesar Vialpando

11. Home Invasion

12. Catalyst

13. Robbing Uncle Sam

14. OG Loc

15. Running Dog

16. Wrong Side of the Tracks

17. Just Business

18. Life's a Beach

19. Madd Dogg's Rhymes

20. Management Issues

21. House Party

22. Burning Desire

23. Gray Imports

24. Doberman

25. Los Sepulcros

26. High Stakes, Low Rider

27. Reuniting the Families

28. The Green Sabre

Countryside Missions
Below you find the list of GTA San Andreas Missions taking place in the Countryside, which includes Whetstone, Red County and Flint County. There are 10 missions in this section before going to San Fierro.

29. Badlands

30. First Date / Tanker Commander

31. Body Harvest

32. King in Exile

33. First Base / Local Liquor Store

34. Gone Courting / Against All Odds

35. Made in Heaven / Small Town Bank

36. Wu Zi Mu

37. Farewell, My Love...

38. Are You Going to San Fierro?

San Fierro Missions
Below you find the list of GTA San Andreas Missions taking place in San Fierro. There are 26 missions in this section, however 8 of these are optional and not required for story progression.

39. Wear Flowers in Your Hair

40. 555 We Tip

41. Deconstruction

42. Photo Opportunity

43. Jizzy

44. Air Raid

45. Supply Lines...

46. New Model Army

47. T-Bone Mendez

48. Mike Toreno

49. Outrider

50. Snail Trail

51. Ice Cold Killa

52. Back to School

53. Pier 69

54. Toreno's Last Flight

55. Mountain Cloud Boys

56. Ran Fa Li

57. Lure

58. Amphibious Assault

59. The Da Nang Thang

60. Yay Ka-Boom-Boom

61. Zeroing In

62. Test Drive

63. Customs Fast Track

64. Puncture Wounds

The Desert Missions
Below you find the 9 Story Missions of GTA San Andreas taking place in the Desert area of Bone County.

65. Monster

66. Highjack

67. Interdiction

68. Verdant Meadows

69. Learning to Fly

- Rustler (bronze)
- Stuntplane (silver)
- Hunter (gold)
- Police Maverick spawns on the roof of the Los Santos Police Department
- Las Venturas safehouses
- 6-star wanter level avaliable
- All planes in airports
- Access to all airport runways
- Victim outlets
- Pilot's license
- Increased Flying Skill

70. N.O.E.

71. Stowaway

72. Black Project

73. Green Goo

Las Venturas Missions
Below you find the list of GTA San Andreas Missions taking place in Las Venturas. There are 19 missions in this section before returning to Los Santos, however 6 of these are optional and can be completed at a later time.

74. Fender Ketchup

75. Explosive Situation

76. You've Had Your Chips

77. Don Peyote

78. Architectural Espionage

79. Key to Her Heart

80. Dam and Blast

81. Cop Wheels

82. Up, Up and Away!

83. Intensive Care

84. The Meat Business

85. Madd Dogg

86. Fish in a Barrel

87. Misappropriation

88. Freefall

89. High Noon

90. Saint Mark's Bistro

91. Breaking the Bank at Caligula's

92. A Home in the Hills

Return to Los Santos Missions
Below you find the list of the final 8 Story Missions in GTA San Andreas, taking place again in Los Santos.

93. Vertical Bird

94. Home Coming

95. Beat Down on B Dup

96. Cut Throat Business

97. Grove 4 Life

98. Riot

99. Los Desperados

100. End Of The Line

How many missions are in GTA San Andreas?
There are 100 main story missions in GTA San Andreas in total. You can find them all listed on this page.
Out of these, 14 missions are optional (not required for story progression), so the mandatory missions required to progress the GTA San Andreas storyline are 86.
However, all missions are required if you want to achieve 100% completion of the game.
Note: If you also count the Introduction and the 4 Catalina cutscenes that set up her robbery missions, the total mission count would become 105.
GTA San Andreas Side Missions
See our section dedicated to the Side Missions in GTA San Andreas, for a guide on all optional endeavors in the game, including Asset Missions, driving Schools, the vehicles-based Sub-Missions, Challenges, Races, and more.