The Micro SMG is a weapon in the Machine Guns class featured in Grand Theft Auto V and GTA Online.

The design of the Micro SMG is based on a real life Mini Uzi. The in-game version of the weapon is manufactured by Shrewsbury.

This weapon can be customized with various attachments and tints, which you can see below.

The Micro SMG also appears in Grand Theft Auto VI, Grand Theft Auto IV, GTA San Andreas, GTA Vice City and Grand Theft Auto III.

How to get the Micro SMG in GTA 5 Story Mode:

In GTA V, the Micro SMG can be simply found and picked up around the map (see the spawn locations in the "Appearances" section below), or it can be purchased for a price of $850.

It becomes available after completing the mission Franklin and Lamar in Story Mode.

How to get the Micro SMG in GTA Online:

In GTA Online, the Micro SMG can be simply found and picked up around the map (see the spawn locations in the "Appearances" section below), or it can be purchased for a price of $3,750.

It's unlocked for purchase after reaching Rank 5 in GTA Online.

Micro SMG Description:

Combines compact design with a high rate of fire at approximately 700-900 rounds per minute.

Micro SMG: GTA V Statistics

  • Damage
  • Fire Rate
  • Accuracy
  • Range
  • Clip Size
  • Overall 31.20
  • Unlock Rank 5
  • Ammo Capacity 16
  • Extended Ammo 30

Micro SMG: GTA V Info

Micro SMG: GTA V Weapon Customization

Rounds & magazineGTA VGTA Online (Unlock)
Rounds (32)$20$60 (Rank 5)
Default clip (16 rounds)DefaultDefault
Extended clip (30 rounds)$342$9,325 (Rank 6)
Flashlight (provides ilumination when aiming)$475$1,900 (Rank 7)
Scope (expands field of view)$1,372$10,800 (Rank 8)
Suppressor (silences but slightly reduces damage and range)$1,937$12,150 (Rank 9)
Yusuf Amir Luxury Finish$37,750$37,750
Organics FinishN/A$58,515 (Complete all Short Trips missions)
Army$100$5,000 (Kill 100 players)
Green (Collector's and Enhanced Edition)$200$5,250 (Kill 200 players)
Orange (Collector's and Enhanced Edition)$400$5,500 (Kill 400 players)
LSPD$600$5,750 (Kill 600 players)
Pink (Collector's and Enhanced Edition)$800$7,500 (Rank 50)
Gold (Collector's and Enhanced Edition)$1,000$10,000 (Rank 75)
Platinum (Collector's and Enhanced Edition)$1,500$12,500 (Rank 100)

Micro SMG: GTA V Appearances

Micro SMG: GTA V Screenshots

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