The Los Santos County Sheriff (LSSD) is a government organization featured in Grand Theft Auto V and GTA Online.
The Los Santos County Sheriff Department is the police force in the rural areas of San Andreas, and is based on the real-life Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department.
Unlike previous games, the police are scarcely found around in freeroam and mostly spawn when the player is wanted. They have several vehicles for police chases, on the ground, on water or in the air.
LSSD officers wear beige shirts with green pants, with their badges displayed on the left side. They wear duty belts, with magazine pouches, handcuff pouches and a Glock pistol. Some are seen using body armor.
This Law Enforcement Agency also appears in Grand Theft Auto IV, GTA San Andreas, GTA Vice City and GTA 3.
Los Santos County Sheriff (LSSD): GTA V Info
- Group Type Law Enforcement Agency
- Faction Type Police Force
- Nationality
United States
- Location Davis Sheriff's Station; Sandy Shores Sheriff's Station; Paleto Bay Sheriff's Office
- Also Known As LSSD; Los Santos County Sheriff Department
- Gang Colors Beige
- Vehicles
Park Ranger
Police Bike
Police Interceptor Cruiser
Police Maverick
Police Riot
Police Stanier LE Cruiser
Police Transporter
Sheriff Cruiser
Sheriff SUV
- Weapons
Advanced Rifle
Assault Shotgun
Carbine Rifle
Micro SMG
Pump Shotgun
Sniper Rifle
- Based on (Real Life) Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department
Los Santos County Sheriff (LSSD): GTA V Appearances
- Appearances in Story Missions:
- Appearances in GTA Online: