GTA 5 & GTA Online Vehicles Database: All Cars & Vehicles List

This is the complete GTA Online & GTA 5 Vehicles List & Database, which includes all Cars, Motorcycles, Helicopters, Planes, Boats and special vehicles that you can buy or steal in the game. This full GTA 5 vehicles list is always up-to-date with the new GTA Online cars released in the latest DLC updates across all platforms (PS5, PS4, Xbox and PC).
There is a total of 768 vehicles in GTA 5 & GTA Online as of February 2025, making it by far the most vehicles in any GTA game. You can view and sort the GTA 5 vehicles list by Top Speed, Lap Performance (tested by Broughy1322), Price, and various Statistics to see what are the fastest cars in GTA 5 Online, the most expensive, or the overall best vehicles in GTA V.
You can also filter all the GTA Online vehicles by Manufacturer, Class, Game Edition, Title Update, Acquisition Method, Storage Location, unique features and more.
We also have a GTA 5 Vehicles Comparison feature where you can compare any GTA V vehicles side-by-side, and a guide on all Race Modes in GTA Online. Clicking on each GTA 5 vehicle brings you to their detailed information and Statistics, along with pictures, how to get each vehicle, locations where to find them, their real-life counterparts, and much more.
GTA 5 & GTA Online Vehicles Classes
In Grand Theft Auto V and GTA Online, there is a massive amount and variety of vehicles, divided into over 20 classes. In addition to Motorcycles, Bicycles, Boats, Planes, and Helicopters, all the GTA 5 cars are also categorized into various classes such as Supercars, Sports Cars, Sedans, Coupes, Muscle Cars, and more.
The game also includes a variety of other vehicles such as SUVs, Vans, Off-Road Vehicles, Military Vehicles, and with the latest DLC updates, GTA Online vehicles also include various Tanks, Flying Cars / Bikes, a Jetpack, and Open-Wheel (Formula 1) cars. Many GTA 5 special vehicles also come with extra features, as in GTA Online you can get your hands on all kinds of Weaponized Vehicles, Armored Vehicles, Tuner Cars, large Command Centers, and much more.
The GTA Online Vehicle Classes are very important for racing, as the majority of the Race Modes are restricted to certain classes or certain vehicle types. You find the full GTA 5 cars list right here on this page and filter them by Class, and you can also check out our guide to the best and fastest GTA 5 vehicles in each class.
GTA 5 & GTA Online Vehicles Top Speed & Lap Times
The Top Speed and Lap Times displayed by this GTA 5 Vehicles Database come from the accurate performance tests conducted by Broughy1322, a famous GTA car tester and skilled driver.
The real Top Speeds of the vehicles have been tested in a long straight line, while the Lap Times have been recorded by racing each vehicle around the same circuit multiple times. For all the details, read his full explanation of how the Top Speed values are calculated, and how the Lap Times are tested.
GTA 5 Vehicles Differences between Story Mode & GTA Online
In this GTA 5 Vehicles Database you can find the complete list of cars and vehicles featured in both Story Mode and GTA Online, across the entire history of Grand Theft Auto V for all platforms (PC, PS5, PS4, PS3, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One & Xbox 360).
These include the latest new vehicles added in GTA Online with the newest updates, and all the overall best vehicles and fastest cars in GTA 5 Online updated to February 2025.
However, not all vehicles are available in every edition of the game: the Single Player mode of GTA 5 and the original PS3/360 versions have stopped receiving new vehicles after the "Ill-Gotten Gains Part 2" update on July 8, 2015. All the GTA 5 new cars and vehicles released in subsequent updates have been exclusive to GTA Online, and only PS4/XB1/PC.
You can use the 'Game Edition' and 'Platforms' filters to narrow down the Vehicles Database to only show vehicles appearing in the GTA 5 Story Mode, GTA Online, or on certain platforms. You can also check out the list of Fastest Cars in GTA 5 Story Mode ranked by Top Speed.
How To Get Vehicles in GTA 5 (Story Mode)
In GTA 5 Story Mode, the three protagonists (Michael, Franklin, and Trevor) already have their own personal cars and motorcycles, which will stick with you throughout the course of the game.
In addition, more cars and vehicles can be purchased from the in-game Internet or, of course, can be found and stolen from the street. You can click on each vehicle in our database to see all the locations where you can find them on the map.
Once acquired, you can store your vehicles inside the Safehouses and Garages owned by the protagonists Michael, Franklin, and Trevor. Purchased boats are stored at the Puerto Del Sol Marina, while owned aircraft will appear at LSIA Hangar & Vespucci Helipad (for Michael & Franklin), and Sandy Shores Airfield (for Trevor).
However, if you're wondering how to save cars in GTA 5, be careful with your beloved GTA 5 cars: unlike GTA Online where vehicles have insurance, purchased GTA 5 cars in Single Player cannot be insured:
- If a purchased vehicle is destroyed, it's gone forever and you will have to buy it again.
- If you lose or abandon a purchased vehicle on the street, it will end up in the Impound Lot at the local police station, where you can get it back for a fee of $250. The Impound Lot will only keep the two most recent driven vehicles.
Due to this mechanic, rather than customizing acquired vehicles, it's a better investment to upgrade your character's personal vehicles, which are permanent and will always respawn at the protagonist's safehouses.
How To Buy Cars in GTA 5 Online
Similar to single-player, GTA Online vehicles can be purchased from the various in-game dealership websites, which offer a much wider selection (also thanks to years of DLC vehicles added to the game).
You can also steal several low-end GTA Online vehicles from the street and obtain them this way, but the high-end vehicles cannot be stored in your garage if stolen. Also, some special vehicles are obtained as Bonus Reward for completing certain endeavors.
To buy GTA Online cars and vehicles, simply use the in-game phone and select "Internet". Then, under "Travel and Transport", you will find several dealers websites to choose from:
- Legendary Motorsport: buy top luxurious vehicles and the highest expensive Super Cars and Motorcycles
- Southern San Andreas Super Autos: buy mid-range vehicles such as Sports Cars, Bikes, Sedans, Coupes, SUVs, Off-Road vehicles, and all kinds of cars
- Warstock Cache & Carry: buy Military Vehicles, as well as Commercial and Industrial Vehicles, also including Weaponized Planes and Helicopters
- Elitás Travel: buy Aircraft (Planes and Helicopters)
- Dock Tease: buy Boats and Watercraft
- Pedal and Metal Cycles: buy Bicycles
- Benny's Original Motor Works: buy custom cars, modified variants of vehicles, such as Lowriders, and unique muscle cars
- buy special battle-ready vehicles for the Arena War stadium events, called "Arena War Contenders"
To make a purchase, select your desired vehicle, pick a stock color, click "Buy" and choose your storage location among your properties. Some vehicles also offer a discounted "Trade Price" which can be unlocked by completing specific missions or tasks.
Using our GTA 5 Vehicles Database you can find the best GTA cars and vehicles to buy on each of the in-game websites, as well as find out what are the cheapest and most expensive vehicles in GTA Online.
Once acquired, most cars and motorcycles become "Personal Vehicles" that can be stored inside any of your GTA Online Properties & Garages. However, certain vehicles can only be stored in their dedicated/specialized property, such as the Pegasus Storage, the Hangar for Personal Aircraft, the Vehicle Warehouse for Special Vehicles, etc. You can use the 'Storage Location' filter in the Database to find out exactly where you can store each GTA Online vehicle.
Purchased personal vehicles in GTA Online are automatically insured, and if they are destroyed they can be respawned by calling Mors Mutual Insurance on your phone. If you steal a vehicle from the street and want to store it in your garage, you should manually add Loss/Theft Prevention to the vehicle at Los Santos Customs.
How To Sell Cars in GTA 5 Online
If you're wondering how do you sell cars and vehicles in GTA Online, it's pretty simple: this is done by going to the same place where you customize vehicles, at Los Santos Customs.
When you buy GTA 5 cars or vehicles in GTA Online, you can sell them back for 60% of their purchase value. So if you purchased an expensive vehicle from the in-game websites you will be able to sell them at Los Santos Customs via the "Sell" option and get back 60% of what you spent in total (including applied customizations).
In GTA Online you can also steal certain stolen vehicles from the street and sell them directly to Los Santos Customs, but this is only possible for low-end vehicles, and they sell only for 10% of their market value. However, there are a few pre-modified NPC vehicles that you can steal and sell for a higher value, check out our guide to the best-selling stolen vehicles in GTA Online ranked by highest profit.
Also, it's important to note that some vehicles in GTA Online cannot be sold after you purchase them: you cannot sell Pegasus Vehicles, Facility Vehicles, and other Special Vehicles.
Vehicles Customization in GTA 5 & GTA Online
In both GTA 5 Store Mode and GTA Online, vehicles can be upgraded with a wide range of available customization. To customize cars and vehicles in Grand Theft Auto V, you can simply head to Los Santos Customs (or to its Blaine County equivalent "Beeker's Garage").
The LSC mod shops offer both aesthetics and performance upgrades. These include modifications to the Car Body, Engine, Brakes, Lights, Suspension, Wheels, Transmission, Windows, as well as the ability to Respray the vehicle, Turbo Tuning, add Armor, even add Explosives and Weapons in some cases, and a lot more.
Some vehicles have unique upgrades available, while some (such as Pegasus Vehicles and Boats) cannot be customized. The cost of the modifications usually depends on the class/tier of the vehicle: the higher-end the vehicle is, the higher the cost.
In addition to Los Santos Customs, in GTA Online players can also take advantage of other mod shops and customization options:
- Benny's Original Motor Works: customize certain Lowriders and muscle cars with unique modifications, such as hydraulics, custom stereos, and interior mods
- Hangar Workshop: customize Aircraft vehicles (Helicopters & Planes)
- Mobile Operations Center / Avenger: customize select Weaponized Vehicles
- Bunker Workshop: customize the Mobile Operations Center and the Anti-Aircraft Trailer
- Facility Workshop: customize the Avenger, Thruster Jetpack, TM-02 Khanjali Tank, RCV and Chernobog
- Nightclub Warehouse: customize select delivery vehicles and the Terrorbyte with the Oppressor MK II
- Arena Workshop: customize Arena Contenders vehicles and the RC Bandito
- LS Car Meet Mod Shop: add exclusive "Low Grip Tires" mods, and upgrade select HSW vehicles with new performance improvements
Also, some GTA Online Properties offer the ability to add an in-house Vehicle Workshop that allows you to fully customize all your vehicles inside the property itself, without having to go to Los Santos Customs or Benny's. These include:
- The Custom Auto Shop inside the CEO Office Garage
- The Custom Bike Shop inside the MC Clubhouse
- The Auto Shop Property: all modifications at a 5% discount
- The Arena Workshop Property
- The Agency Vehicle Workshop: with Imani Tech exclusive features (Armor Plating, Missile Lock-on Jammer & Remote Control)
How many vehicles can you own in GTA Online?
In GTA Online there are 768 vehicles at the player's disposal. But car enthusiasts and collectors may be wondering, how many cars can you own in GTA Online at the same time?
The answer depends on the amount of GTA Online properties you own, as each property comes with one or more garages that can store a certain amount of cars and vehicles.
If you acquired all the possible properties and garages, the amount of GTA cars and vehicles you can own is staggering:
As of February 2025, you can own a total of 450+ vehicles stored across all your GTA Online Properties. The number doubles up to 900+ if you consider you can have two characters in GTA Online. The number includes all your slots for Personal Vehicles, Pegasus Vehicles, Personal Aircraft, Special Vehicles, Command Centers, and more.
If you need help keeping track of all the Vehicles and Properties you own in GTA Online, you can use our MyBase system, which allows you to track and showcase all your possessions, and calculate the total monetary value of your GTA Online assets.
GTA 5 Cars in Real Life
Just like Los Santos is heavily inspired by Los Angeles, pretty much all GTA 5 cars and GTA Online vehicles are based on real-life vehicles.
However, GTA 5 does not use real vehicle names to avoid copyright or legal issues. Also, many are not exact replicas of existing vehicles but take inspiration and various elements from multiple vehicles.
Even the in-game car manufacturers as a whole are inspired by real-life vehicle brands. Here are just some examples:
- Albany: based on real-life Cadillac cars
- Annis: based on real-life Nissan cars
- Benefactor: based on real-life Mercedes cars
- BF: based on real-life Volkswagen
- Coil: based on real-life Tesla and Rimac cars
- Declasse: based on real-life Chevrolet cars
- Dewbauchee: based on real-life Aston Martin cars
- Dinka: based on real-life Honda cars and bikes
- Emperor: based on real-life Lexus cars
- Grotti: based on real-life Ferrari cars
- Lampadati: based on real-life Maserati cars, as well as Alfa Romeo
- Obey: based on real-life Audi cars
- Ocelot: based on real-life Jaguar & Lotus cars
- Pegassi: based on real-life Lamborghini cars, as well as Piaggio & Ducati bikes
- Pfister: based on real-life Porsche cars
- Progen: based on real-life McLaren cars
- Truffade: based on real-life Bugatti cars
- Vapid: based on real-life Ford cars
- Übermacht: based on real-life BMW cars
When clicking on each vehicle in our database, you can discover their exact real-life counterpart and inspiration.
GTA 5 Car Cheats & Vehicle Spawn Codes
The single-player mode of Grand Theft Auto V also offers several GTA 5 Car Cheats that allow you to spawn various cars and vehicles.
These include cheats to spawn the Comet and Rapid GT sports cars, the PCJ 600 and Sanchez bikes, the Buzzard Attack Chopper, a BMX, and many more.
The only restriction of the GTA 5 car cheats is that you need a large enough space, the vehicles cannot be spawned indoors or in restricted areas. There is also no flying cars cheat in GTA 5.
You can find all the GTA 5 Car Cheats & Vehicle Spawn Codes in our GTA 5 Cheat Codes Guide.
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