On this guide you find a breakdown of all the daily fees that can be charged in GTA Online for each of the properties that you can own, updated after the changes made with The Contract DLC.
Depending on which properties you own, how many you have, and what upgrades you applied, your personal daily fees in GTA Online can very widely. This guide will help you figure out exactly how much you're paying for and why.
In previous years, the daily fees in GTA Online used to be a lot more expensive. But now, after The Contract Update release in December 2021, the daily charges have been significantly reduced, the majority of the fees were halved, and some are now even less than that. The guide shows both the old fees (before 2021) and the new, current fees (from 2022 onwards).
At the end of the list, we also have some best practices followed by veteran players to avoid losing a lot of money while paying the daily fees in GTA Online.
GTA Online Daily Fees Breakdown
What are Daily Fees in GTA Online?
Daily Maintenance Fees are charges that are deducted automatically in GTA Online each in-game day, for services provided by the properties a player owns. Every garage you own (even if it’s empty) can be serviced by the Mechanic that will bring vehicles to you and repair them for free once you store them or call for a delivery.
Each property you own has fees based on its service and/or its staff. Those fees vary based on upgrades or options. Owning a significant number of properties, especially MC Businesses, can accrue a hefty sum.
Some fees are charged no matter what you’re doing. Some, such as the one for the Bunker and MC Businesses, are only charged if you are registered as a CEO or MC President.
When are Daily Fees charged?
The GTA Online fees are charged every 48 minutes (one in-game day) that you are in the same lobby.
Fees that are exclusive to being a CEO or MC President won’t be charged if you aren’t registered as either a CEO or MC President - but will be charged immediately if you register as one if you have been in the same lobby for 48 minutes or longer.
All of the fees are listed as "Spent on property and utilities" in the Maze Bank transaction log. After The Contract DLC in December 2021, the daily fees notifications are now grouped in 3 categories: Properties, Businesses and Mechanic.
So here we go with the list of all the Daily Fees in GTA Online, including costs for all the properties and their respective upgrades:
Property Daily Fees
The game counts under the "Property Charges", the properties that don't generate passive income, such as standard Apartments, the Yacht and the Facility.
The total amount of Property Charges can now be $2,250 when owning all properties and upgrades.
Standard Apartments
Apartments are useful for hosting Heists (High-End only) and basic chilling. They also come with Garages to store your regular vehicles. You can own up to 8 Apartments / Garages (of any type).
Daily Fee | Old Amount (<2021) | New Amount (>2022) |
Low-End Apartment | $25 | $25 |
Medium Apartment | $50 | $50 |
High-End Apartment | $75 | $75 |
TOTAL (8 High-End Apartments) | $600 | $600 |
Note: This property also incurs a Mechanic Fee ($10) for up to 8 garages ($80), see the dedicated section below for more details.
The Facility is used mainly for the Doomsday Heists missions. You can also store the Avenger inside it, and use the Orbital Cannon.
Daily Fee | Old Amount (<2021) | New Amount (>2022) |
Base Fee | $500 | $200 |
Orbital Cannon | $400 | $200 |
Security Room | $100 | $100 |
TOTAL | $1,000 | $500 |
Note: This property also incurs a Mechanic Fee ($10), see the dedicated section below for more details.
Casino Penthouse
The Casino Penthouse is useful for accessing the Casino Missions and basic chilling.
Daily Fee | Old Amount (<2021) | New Amount (>2022) |
Base Fee | $500 | $300 |
Additional Rooms (up to 8 rooms) | $100 per room | $25 per room |
TOTAL | $1,300 | $500 |
Note: This property also incurs a Mechanic Fee ($10), see the dedicated section below for more details.
Galaxy Super Yacht
The Yacht is used for basic chilling and Yacht missions. The daily cost is a flat fee regardless of the model.
Daily Fee | Old Amount (<2021) | New Amount (>2022) |
Yacht Fee | $1,000 | $500 |
Kosatka Submarine
The Kosatka Submarine HQ is the base of operations for planning The Cayo Perico Heist. The daily fee for the Kosatka is a flat $150.
Daily Fee | Old Amount (<2021) | New Amount (>2022) |
Kosatka Fee | $150 | $150 |
Business Daily Fees
The game counts under the "Business Charges", all the properties that can generate income in freeroam, such as the Office, the Bunker, the Nightclub, MC Businesses and so on.
The total amount of Business Charges can now be $2,125 when owning all properties and upgrades, and $21,625 when also registered as CEO/MC President.
Executive Office
You have to get an Executive Office as a property to start CEO work. You can also optionally add up to 3 Executive Garages to the Office.
Daily Fee | Old Amount (<2021) | New Amount (>2022) |
Office Fee | $800 | $250 |
Note: This property also incurs a Mechanic Fee ($10) for up to 3 garages ($30), see the dedicated section below for more details.
Special Cargo Warehouse
Crate Warehouses are used to store and later sell Special Cargo. You can own up to 5 Warehouses (of any size).
Daily Fee | Old Amount (<2021) | New Amount (>2022) |
Small Warehouse | $50 | $25 |
Medium Warehouse | $100 | $50 |
Large Warehouse | $200 | $75 |
TOTAL (5 Large Warehouses) | $1,000 | $375 |
Note: The Vehicle Warehouse incurs a Mechanic Fee ($10), see the dedicated section below for more details.
Bunker (Registered as CEO)
The Bunker gives you access to the Gunrunning Business to run arms trafficking operations. You can also store the Mobile Operations Center inside it, which has no fee.
These costs are incurred only when actively registered as CEO or MC President and when the business is active.
Daily Fee | Old Amount (<2021) | New Amount (>2022) |
Base Fee | $4,700 | $2,000 |
Equipment Upgrade | $1,600 | $800 |
Staff Upgrade | $2,325 | $1,000 |
Security Upgrade | $775 | $700 |
TOTAL | $9,400 | $4,500 |
The Hangar is used to store Personal Aircraft and do Hangar missions.
Daily Fee | Old Amount (<2021) | New Amount (>2022) |
Hangar Fee | $300 | $250 |
Note: This property also incurs a Mechanic Fee ($10), plus an Aircraft Fee ($10) per each owned Aircraft, for up 20 aircraft ($200). See the dedicated section below for more details.
The Nightclub property can be used to acquire special goods and later sell them. The Nightclub itself is also a business that earns you a daily income from the entry passes sold. You can also store the Terrorbyte inside it.
Daily Fee | Old Amount (<2021) | New Amount (>2022) |
Base Fee | $800 | $250 |
Basic Staff | $150 | $10 |
Equipment Upgrade | $250 | $10 |
Staff Upgrade | $100 | $50 |
Security Upgrade | $0 | $0 |
Technicians (up to 4) | $100 per technician | $10 per technician |
Storage Floors (up to 4) | $50 per floor | $10 per floor |
Garages (up to 3) | $0 per garage | $25 per garage |
Terrorbyte Fee | $100 | $25 |
TOTAL | $2,000 | $500 |
Note: This property also incurs a Mechanic Fee ($10) for up to 4 garages ($40), see the dedicated section below for more details.
Arena War Workshop
The Arena Workshop is used to modify and upgrade Arena Vehicles. There is no fee for the property itself.
Daily Fee | Old Amount (<2021) | New Amount (>2022) |
Arena Workshop Fee | $0 | $0 |
Note: This property incurs a Mechanic Fee ($10) for up to 3 garages ($30), see the dedicated section below for more details.
Retro Arcade
The Arcade Property is used to start Casino Heists. It also generates a moderate-income on a daily basis.
Daily Fee | Old Amount (<2021) | New Amount (>2022) |
Retro Arcade Fee | $500 | $250 |
Note: This property also incurs a Mechanic Fee ($10), see the dedicated section below for more details.
Auto Shop
The Auto Shop Property allows players to run a legitimate modification business, while planning robberies with Sessanta and KDJ.
Daily Fee | Old Amount (<2021) | New Amount (>2022) |
Auto Shop Fee | $250 | $250 |
Note: This property also incurs a Mechanic Fee ($10), see the dedicated section below for more details.
The Agency
The Agency acts as a base of operation for the "F. Clinton and Partner" missions, the Dr. Dre Contract, and new Security Contracts.
Daily Fee | New Amount (>2022) |
Agency Fee | $250 |
Note: This property also incurs a Mechanic Fee ($10), see the dedicated section below for more details.
Acid Lab
The Acid Lab gives you access to a new business, which allows you to source, manufacture, and sell Acid to earn income.
Daily Fee | New Amount (>2022) |
Acid Lab Fee | $250 |
Salvage Yard
Purchasing this business provides access to a range of Salvage Yard Robberies, a Tow Truck Service, and other features.
Daily Fee | New Amount (>2022) |
Salvage Yard Fee | $250 |
Biker Clubhouse Businesses (Registered as MC President)
MC Businesses present a way to make money consistently with a Motorcycle Club as a front, but they don't come without their own set of maintenance costs.
Players can own 1 of each Business Type, with their respective Daily Fees listed below. These costs are incurred only when actively registered as an MC President and when the business is active.
Note: The Motorcycle Clubhouse itself also incurs in a Mechanic Fee ($10), see the dedicated section below for more details.
Cocaine Lockup
Daily Fee | Old Amount (<2021) | New Amount (>2022) |
Base Fee | $4,500 | $2,250 |
Equipment Upgrade | $1,500 | $750 |
Staff Upgrade | $2,250 | $1,125 |
Security Upgrade | $750 | $375 |
TOTAL | $9,000 | $4,500 |
Methamphetamine Lab
Daily Fee | Old Amount (<2021) | New Amount (>2022) |
Base Fee | $3,600 | $1,800 |
Equipment Upgrade | $1,200 | $600 |
Staff Upgrade | $1,800 | $900 |
Security Upgrade | $600 | $300 |
TOTAL | $7,200 | $3,600 |
Counterfeit Cash Factory
Daily Fee | Old Amount (<2021) | New Amount (>2022) |
Base Fee | $3,000 | $1,500 |
Equipment Upgrade | $1,000 | $500 |
Staff Upgrade | $1,500 | $750 |
Security Upgrade | $500 | $250 |
TOTAL | $6,000 | $3,000 |
Weed Farm
Daily Fee | Old Amount (<2021) | New Amount (>2022) |
Base Fee | $2,400 | $1,200 |
Equipment Upgrade | $800 | $400 |
Staff Upgrade | $1,200 | $600 |
Security Upgrade | $400 | $200 |
TOTAL | $4,800 | $2,400 |
Document Forgery Office
Daily Fee | Old Amount (<2021) | New Amount (>2022) |
Base Fee | $1,500 | $750 |
Equipment Upgrade | $500 | $250 |
Staff Upgrade | $750 | $375 |
Security Upgrade | $250 | $125 |
TOTAL | $3,000 | $1,500 |
Mechanic Fees Breakdown
There are several properties that have garages attached to them and thus also incur in an additional Mechanic Fee. Below you find a breakdown of all these properties.
The Mechanic Fee used to be $50 per garage, but has now been decreased to just $10 per garage.
Daily Fee | Old Amount (<2021) | New Amount (>2022) |
Standard Apartments / Garages (x8 garages) | $400 | $80 |
CEO Office Garages (x3 garages) | $150 | $30 |
Vehicle Warehouse | $50 | $10 |
Motorcycle Clubhouse | $50 | $10 |
Facility | $50 | $10 |
Nightclub Garages (x4 garages) | $200 | $40 |
Arena Workshop Garages (x3 garages) | $150 | $30 |
Casino Penthouse | $50 | $10 |
Retro Arcade | $50 | $10 |
Auto Shop | $50 | $10 |
The Agency | $50 | $10 |
50-Car Garage (Eclipse Blvd) | N/A | $10 |
Hangar | $50 | $10 |
Aircraft Fee - $10 each (up to x20 Aircraft) | $1,000 | $200 |
MAXIMUM (all properties) | $2,300 | $460 |
The total mechanic fees used to reach up to $2,300, but after The Contract DLC the maximum mechanic fees can be $460 when owning all properties and 20 aircrafts.
Note: There is no Mechanic fee for having a Mobile Operations Center or Avenger with Personal Vehicle Storage.
Maximum Total Daily Fees Charged in GTA Online
If you own every property and business and you've applied all the upgrades (plus you're registered as CEO and MC President), the total Daily Fees in GTA Online can reach a big sum.
The total amount of daily fees charged every in-game day in GTA Online used to reach over $50,000, but now, after reduction of The Contract Update, can only reach about $24,000.
However, if you still want to avoid paying the daily fees, let's look a few tips and tricks that can help you out.
How to avoid Daily Fees in GTA Online?
Can you avoid paying for the Daily Fees in GTA Online? The answer is yes, it is possible to avoid them.
The simplest method, even if inconvenient, is to change lobbies before 48 minutes have elapsed. If you enter a new lobby, that unseen timer is reset.
If you don’t want to change lobbies, you can unregister as a CEO or MC President and at least not be charged those specific fees - but you will still pay the regular ones every 48 minutes.
Another method is to be in a mission, race, or other non-freeroam activity, as the timer does not apply there.
Avoiding Daily Fees while AFK
If you use methods to be in the game, but inactive, in order to let passive-income businesses accrue value, there are some methods (using security monitors) that keep you in the lobby that are still subject to fees.
For short-terms, or if the fees you are subject to are small or relatively insignificant, this is fine and more convenient. But for longer periods of time the accrued fees can exceed the value your businesses are earning.
Instead, using the Security Cameras inside your Bunker or other business can let you stay AFK as long as you want, while not paying any fees during that time; with a bonus of the mission’s reward money upon completion at the end.
And this is everything you need to know about Daily Fees in GTA Online! Let us know what you think about the daily expenses and if you have any additional tips to share.
Thanks to /u/vogel307 on Reddit for his findings on the updated Daily Fees in 2022 after The Contract DLC.