• DLC / Title Update
  • Release Date June 13, 2017
  • Platforms PC, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, Xbox One

Players can purchase an Underground Bunker from the Maze Bank Foreclosures website, and can only own one Bunker at a time.

Upon purchasing a Bunker, VIP, CEO or MC President Players will gain access to the Gunrunning Business to run illegal arms trafficking operations across Los Santos and Blaine County.

Bunkers also allow to store the Mobile Operations Center, and to research Weaponized Vehicles and Mk II Weapons.

Bunkers can be customized with a choice of add-ons such as Personal Quarters, a Shooting Range, a Gun Locker and Transportation.

Bunker Locations

Bunkers: Screenshots

Bunker Customization: Style

There aren't many interior designers willing to take on a sprawling cavern hewn directly out of rock - but there's at least one, and in his occasional lucid moments he had a few ideas. You might as well feel at home: you could be down here for a long time.

Bunker Customization: Personal Quarters

If you're going to sleep soundly through nuclear Armageddon you're going to need a cot and somewhere to change into your hazmat suit.


Bunker Customization: Shooting Range

Never mind foraging, procuring fresh drinking water or treating injuries: when the world ends in San Andreas, your top priority should be working on your aim.

Bunker Customization: Gun Locker

As the walls start to close in and you become increasingly afraid to go outside, being light on your feet is going to be a priority. Take and leave whatever firepower you need in this personal weapon storage unit.


Bunker Customization: Transportation

There are probably several excellent reasons why a modified golf caddy is the time-honored choice for getting around in your subterranean lair.

Bunker Business Upgrades

Equipment Upgrade: Purchase this upgrade to install higher quality equipment. This will speed up your manufacturing and research times, improve the overall value of your stock and allow your supplies to stretch further.

Staff Upgrade: Purchase this upgrade to hire more staff. This will speed up your manufacturing and research times and improve the overall value of your stock.

Security Upgrade: Purchase this upgrade to install security personnel and surveillance equipment. This will reduce the likelihood of your stock being stolen by enemies.

Bunkers: Associated Jobs

Bunker Cargo

Ammu-Nation Contract

Mobile Operations

Bunkers: Daily Fees

Below you find the Daily Fees that are charged to the player for owning a Bunker.

Note: These costs are incurred only when actively registered as an MC President or CEO:

  • Daily Fees

    TypeFee AmountMax QuantityMax Fee
    Base Fee$2,000 1 $2,000
    Equipment Upgrade$800 1 $800
    Staff Upgrade$1,000 1 $1,000
    Security Upgrade$700 1 $700
    Total$4,500 1 $4,500

Bunkers: Video

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