Scouting the Port is a main story mission in Grand Theft Auto V, involving protagonist Trevor Philips.
It's the 27° GTA V mission in chronological order, and it takes place in Los Santos.
Trevor heads to the Port of LS to look for a job.
Gold Medal Objectives (100%)
The following are the Mission Objectives required to obtain the Gold Medal in the mission "Scouting the Port":
- Time: Complete within 20:00
- Skip all cutscenes.
- Employee of the Month: Complete without damaging the containers.
- Drive the dock handler as carefully as possible.
- Perfect Surveillance: Snap all 3 photographs of the boat as instructed.
- Carefully follow the instructions from Ron.
- An Honest Day's Work: Complete without causing a disturbance at the docks.
- Is achieved if the mission does not fail.
Note: You can complete each Gold Medal requirement in multiple playthroughs of the mission. You don't need to obtain them all in one single playthrough.
Scouting the Port - Mission Details:
Trevor heads to Floyd's apartment, walking in on an argument between Floyd and Wade over Trevor. The pair downplay what Trevor just walked into, with Floyd saying he doesn't want to lose Debra over Trevor's actions in the apartment.
Trevor wants a new "job" and knows Floyd works down at the docks. The trio gets into Trevor's truck and head to Pier 400. On the journey over, Trevor questions Floyd over what is at the pier for Trevor to steal. Floyd states he doesn't know what comes in the containers at the pier but he has seen Merryweather guards hanging around, guarding a freighter.
Trevor wants to know what is on the freighter but must make sure he's not spotted. Wade gets pulled into cleaning a spillage, leaving Floyd and Trevor to investigate the freighter. To avoid suspicion, the pair engage in various tasks throughout the pier.
Their first task is moving various containers using a Dock Handler to new positions. Before given another task, Trevor heads up a nearby crane to get a better look at the freighter. However, once up there, the port boss task Trevor with moving two shipping containers onto tractor-trailers, using the crane. He does this to avoid his cover being blown.
Once the task is done, he takes some photos of the freighter using his phone and sends them to Ron. Trevor descends the crane and gets into a truck with Floyd to scope out the Los Santos Naval Port. Once there, Trevor gets out of the truck but is swarmed by Merryweather guards. Floyd defends him but ends up getting beat by the guards. Trevor uses this distraction to sneak into the guardhouse and steal a briefcase, containing the shipping manifest.
Trevor leaves Floyd behind, gets into a car and heads back to Floyd's apartment. On the drive back, Ron calls him to say whatever is on that freighter is kept off the books and he thinks Trevor's really stumbled across something here.
Trevor arrives back at Floyd's to find Wade sitting on the couch, covered in waste. In the manifest, Trevor discovers there are two "devices", the second being out at sea. The pair plan the best way to approach the heist. Two options are given, either blow up the bottom of the freighter at the pier and use a mini-sub to collect the device or find the second one out at sea.
Scouting the Port: Mission Objectives
- Get in your truck.
- Go to Pier 400.
- Park next to dispatch.
- Follow Floyd.
- Get in the handler.
- Move the marked containers to the loading area.
- Go to the crane.
- Climb the crane to reach the cabin.
- Load the containers onto the trucks.
- Go to the vantage point at the end of the catwalk.
- Use the camera phone to take photos of the boat.
- Send the photos to Ron.
- Descend the crane to the docks floor.
- Get in the truck.
- Drive to the docking area.
- Leave the restricted area.
- Go to Floyd's apartment.
Scouting the Port: Mission Info
- Mission Number 27
- Mission Type Mandatory Mission
- Mission Giver
Trevor Philips
- Protagonist (Playable)
Trevor Philips
- Location Floyd's Apartment, Vespucci Beach
- State / Area Los Santos
Scouting the Port: Videos
PS3 / Xbox 360: Gold Medal Video Walkthrough
PS4 / Xbox One (First Person): Gold Medal Video Walkthrough
Scouting the Port: Screenshots
Coming soon.