Floyd's Apartment is a temporary safehouse used by protagonist Trevor Philips in Grand Theft Auto V, after the mission "Friends Reunited".
The safehouse is located on the second floor of an apartment building at 7611 Goma Street, Vespucci Beach.
It becomes accessible when Trevor and Wade Hebert move to Los Santos to find Michael De Santa. Trevor and Wade take up residence in the apartment, which belongs to Debra, the fiancée of Wade's cousin, Floyd.
Property Information
- Property Type Safehouse
- Location Vespucci Beach
- State / Area West Los Santos
- Available After Mission (Story Mode)
- How To Unlock Becomes available after completing "Friends Reunited". Temporarily unavailable between "Caida Libre" and "Monkey Business". Unavailable after "Hang Ten".
- Occupant Characters
Trevor Philips
Floyd Hebert
- Vehicles Capacity 2
- Parked Vehicles
- Trevor's Truck
Floyd's Apartment: Appearances
- Appearances in Story Missions: