- Release Date February 26, 2019
- Platforms PlayStation 4, Xbox One
The Red Dead Online Beta gets its first big update - with new competitive gameplay, daily objectives and rewards, weaponry, player customization and emotes. Plus additional improvements: an enhanced law and bounty system, updated player radar, and more.
New Weapons
New weapons have been added to Red Dead Online: the Rare Shotgun, the Jawbone Knife [PS4 Early Access] and the Evans Repeater [March 5, 2019].
New Game Modes
[March 12, 2019] A new Showdown Mode has been added to the Red Dead Online Beta, available from Rank 1:
More new Game Modes have been added in the subsequent weeks.
New Content
- A new Free Roam Event, Fool's Gold, has been added to Red Dead Online
- Over 300 new items of clothing will be added for male and female characters in the Red Dead Online Beta
- [PS4 Early Access] 177 clothing tints will be added for male and female characters in the Red Dead Online Beta
- New emotes have been added to the Red Dead Online Beta
- Hell Yeah
- Bring it On
- Yeehaw
- Point and Laugh
- Fancy Bow
- Prospector Jig
- Gag
- Good to See Ya
- Weep
- Tough Guy Nod
- You Gonna Cry?
- Who, me?
- I’m Hit! [PS4 Early Access]
- Blow Kiss [PS4 Early Access]
- Point [PS4 Early Access]
New Features / Updates
- Changes have been made to player blips in the Red Dead Online Beta:
- Visibility of blips over long distances has been reduced
- Players in other towns or region are no longer visible on the map
- A new system to highlight aggressive players has been added to the Red Dead Online Beta:
- Map position (and the position of Posse members) will become more visible to other players
- Player blips will become progressively darker if they are hostile
- Changes have been made to the Law in the Red Dead Online Beta
- Criminal behavior now carries bounty values and honor consequences that scale based on the severity of the crime.
- Bounty Hunters have been added to the Red Dead Online Beta
- Changes have been made to Parleys and Feuds in the Red Dead Online Beta
- Players are now able to initiate a Parley that applies to their attacker’s entire Posse after a single kill.
- Alternatively, players can challenge an opponent by initiating a Feud, Posse Feud or Leader Feud after one kill
- Daily Challenges have been added to the Red Dead Online Beta
- Updates to make horse cargo more persistent have been added to the Red Dead Online Beta
- Updates to make Loot more persistent have been added to the Red Dead Online Beta
- Player and Posse Assassinations now factor in a players’ aggression level when selecting targets. Players with dark red blips are more likely to be selected as targets
- Updates have been made to the PVP matchmaking for Stranger Missions
- The following changes have been made to weapon balance in the Red Dead Online Beta:
- All Weapons
- Slightly reduced the range at which players can achieve critical damage from headshots
- Varmint Rifle
- Increased accuracy spread when distracted to bring the weapon in line with other fast-firing longarm weapons
- Reduced lock-on range
- Increased damage dealt to other players with body and limb shots
- Carcano Rifle
- Greatly increased damage dealt to other players
- Rolling Block Rifle
- Greatly increased damage dealt to other players
- Greatly increased damage dealt to other players
- All Weapons
- Weapons purchased via the Social Club catalogue website will now be delivered to the stored weapon inventory on the horse instead of replacing one of the equipped weapons
- Increased the visibility of trail effects for arrow projectiles, making it easier to see both where the projectile lands when firing and where the projectiles are being fired from
- Fire / Poison Arrows will now yield a regular Arrow when picked pack up after being fired
- Changes have been made to multiple Ability Cards and their indicators:
- All Dead Eye Cards:
- Dead Eye no longer gives perfect accuracy (except when using the card Paint It Black)
- The Short Game:
- Required distance to the enemy has been reduced, with the damage dealt increasing the closer the player gets to the enemy
- This Ability becomes active for two seconds when damaging a nearby enemy
- Peak Condition:
- Sprinting drains less Stamina at all Tiers
- Maximum damage bonus has been reduced
- Damage bonus now scales with the fill percentage of the Stamina Tank
- This Ability becomes active for two seconds when dealing damage
- This Ability becomes active when stamina is below full
- Slow and Steady:
- Dead Eye drains when damage is taken
- Eye for an Eye:
- This Ability now works while the player is in Dead Eye
- Dead Eye on each given headshot has been reduced at Tier 2 and Tier 3 to allow consistency with other Ability Cards
- Dead Eye is only granted if the headshot kills an enemy
- The Unblinking Eye
- This Ability becomes active while in Eagle Eye
- This Ability becomes active while in Dead Eye
- Winning Streak
- This Ability becomes active for two seconds when damaging an enemy
- This Ability becomes active for two seconds when damaging an enemy
- All Dead Eye Cards:
- Changes have been made to the following Free Roam Events:
- Free Roam Event – Cold Dead Hands:
- Players can now only hold the bag for 1 minute consecutively before it is forcibly respawned
- Players will now receive 1.5x the normal points for carrying the bag during the final minute of the event
- Two bags are now spawned during the event
- Locations have been updated
- Maximum player count has been reduced to 16 players
- Free Roam Event – Dispatch Rider:
- When a player mounts the objective horse, they are now invulnerable and cannot be targeted for a short time, their Health, Stamina and Deadeye Tanks are refilled, and their Cores are overpowered for 60 seconds
- The objective horse now does not spook, run out of stamina, or become incapacitated
- Maximum player count has been reduced to 16 players
- Free Roam Event – King of the Castle:
- The maximum player count has been reduced to 16 players
- Free Roam Event – Cold Dead Hands:
Full Title Update Notes - Click to Expand
General / Miscellaneous – PS4, Xbox One
- Fixed issues that resulted in game crashes, freezes and general stability issues
- Fixed issues that resulted in the game crashing after running for long periods of time
- Fixed issues that resulted in players getting stuck in extended or infinite loading screens
- Fixed an issue that resulted in missing dialogue when interacting with some members of the world population
- Fixed an issue that resulted in incorrect dialogue responses when interacting with some drunk members of the world population
- Fixed an issue that resulted in missing audio for some horse reactions and behaviors
- Fixed issues that resulted in missing audio reactions to player clothing combinations
- Fixed issues that resulted in missing or incorrect weapon or explosion audio effects
- Fixed issues that resulted in missing or incorrect audio from some in-game menus
- Fixed issues that resulted in incorrect audio effects when interacting with objects and structures in the world
- Fixed issues that resulted in missing or incorrect dialogue subtitles
- Fixed an issue that resulted in incorrect bounty prices for some witnessed crimes
- Fixed an issue that resulted in Lawmen repeatedly mounting and dismounting their horse when pursuing a player
- Fixed an issue that resulted in bounty hunters being unable to arrest a player who has surrendered
- Fixed an issue that resulted in Lawmen not reacting to players hijacking a wagon in clear view
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players gaining an immediate wanted status after killing a witness while there were no other witnesses nearby to observe the second crime
- Fixed an issue that resulted in Lawmen getting stuck trying to navigate to a player who is in water
- Fixed issues with spawn positions of Lawmen in some areas of the world
- Fixed an issue that resulted in some line-of-sight checks to be skipped by investigating Lawmen
- Fixed an issue that resulted in the theft of some horses to not register as a crime
- Fixed an issue where combinations of ‘Tap to Hold Delay’ and ‘Control Scheme’ options in the Settings menu would result in a delay before the player starts running
- Fixed issues that resulted in menus and other user interface elements overlapping
- Fixed an issue that resulted in temporary blank or missing sections of the Pause Menu
- Fixed an issue that resulted in truncated or overlapping text in some menus
- Fixed issues related to the appearance and behavior of shop menus - such as the Stable, Gunsmith and Wardrobe
- Fixed an issue that allowed some player controls to be accepted while in the Satchel menu
- Fixed the visibility of map blips by increasing their size when hovered over on the Map and adding the option to adjust the size of both map and radar blips through the Settings menu
- Fixed an issue that resulted in missing or incorrect information when hovering over some map blips
- Fixed issues with the Social Club menus and news feeds
- Fixed issues with missing characters, prompts and truncated text for some text in East Asian languages
- Fixed issues with spelling and grammar for game menus, map locations, help text and error messages
- Fixed an issue that resulted in some weather effects such as rain and snow to appear as flat sheets or columns above the player
- Fixed an issue that resulted in incorrect textures and lighting effects on some combinations of player clothing
- Fixed an issue that resulted in some clothing items rendering incorrectly when viewed in the mirror
- Fixed an issue with the display of player shadows while using weapons in first person mode
- Fixed an issue that resulted in some shadows cast on dynamic cloth to display in low quality
- Fixed an issue with water reflections and lighting when swimming in first person mode
- Fixed an issue with the appearance of sparks on train tracks when turning and braking a locomotive
- Fixed issues with full-screen effects and particle effects that resulted in them displaying incorrectly at resolutions higher than 1080p
- Fixed an issue that resulted in turret weapon muzzle flash effects rendering incorrectly when using the turret in first person mode
- Fixed an issue with sniper scopes and other user interface elements which resulted in graphics displaying incorrectly
- Fixed an issue that resulted in items that could not be looted to be highlighted incorrectly when using Eagle Eye
- Fixed an issue with the description for Bread Bait that showed an incorrect world location for finding Perch and Redfin Pickerel fish species
- Fixed issues with spelling and grammar for item descriptions and compendium entries
- Fixed an issue that prevented certain breeds of horses from being hitched outside the Valentine Saloon
- Fixed an issue that resulted in the player’s horse dying instantly after certain collision impacts, such as cliffs or trains
- Fixed an issue that resulted in incorrect animations when a player’s horse landed on a slope after vaulting an obstacle
- Fixed an animation issue with swapping and storing certain weapons on your horse
- Fixed issues with incorrect positioning when taking cover against certain types of vehicles
- Fixed issues where the selected weapon ammo type would be reset after dismounting a horse
- Fixed an issue that had a chance to cause persistent camera shaking after aiming and firing with scoped weapons
- Fixed an issue that resulted in weapons not automatically cocking while shooting from cover in first person mode
- Fixed an issue that resulted in the Double-Barreled Shotgun not being able to reload after exiting cover in some circumstances
- Fixed a camera issue that occurred when aiming with scoped weapons from cover while in first person mode
- Fixed animation issues when firing and reloading certain weapons in cover
- Fixed an issue with animations that could occur while running/crouching with the Bow in first person mode
- Fixed an issue that resulted in the player experiencing a temporary loss of control while maintaining weapons in first person mode
- Fixed an issue that resulted in camera problems when attempting to maintain a weapon while standing on a moving vehicle
- Fixed an issue that resulted in a slow fade-in delay of the reticle when aiming with an attached scope
- Fixed an issue that resulted in a blurry effect when switching between different engraving styles at the Gunsmith
- Fixed issues with the camera while firing the Hotchkiss Cannon in first person mode
- Fixed issues related to animal animation, movement and behavior
- Fixed an issue that resulted in some incorrect waypoint routes when navigating long distances on the map
- Fixed an issue that resulted in the player getting stuck under river rapids and unable to surface in certain locations
- Fixed an issue that resulted in incorrect animations playing for members of the world population
- Fixed an animation issue that resulted in enemies appearing upright after being knocked down and trying to recover
- Fixed an issue that prevented hogtied enemies from being dismembered when run over by a train
- Fixed an issue that resulted in some shopkeepers becoming hostile to the player when unprovoked
- Fixed an issue that resulted in the player slowing down when trying to sprint across some rope bridges in the world
- Fixed issues in the world that resulted in players becoming stuck between objects / buildings when climbing
- Fixed an issue that resulted in incorrect gore/dismemberment visuals to appear on some members of the world population once killed
- Fixed an issue that resulted in floating hats to occur on some members of the world population
- Fixed an issue in the Mission ‘Polite Society, Valentine Style’ that resulted in erratic animal behavior when trying to lead the horse back to its owner
- Fixed an issue in the Mission ‘Who is Not Without Sin’ where the Mission would unexpectedly fail despite the witness being successfully threatened
- Fixed an issue that resulted in an incorrect response from the law after completing the Mission ‘Paying A Social Call’
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players who retried the Mission ‘The King’s Son’ from a checkpoint being unable to open a required door
- Fixed an issue that resulted in the player’s longarm weapons being offset on their back after completion of the Mission ‘A Quick Favor for an Old Friend’
- Fixed an issue with the weapon holding animations of some guards during the Mission ‘Advertising, the New American Art’
- Fixed an issue with some cutscene animations during the Mission ‘That’s Murfree Country’ when the player is wearing certain clothing combinations
- Fixed an issue that resulted in the starting locations of some Horseman challenges to be incorrectly detected, preventing challenge completion
- Fixed an issue during the Poker minigame where winning animations may not play in some circumstances for games with multiple pots
- Fixed an issue where an NPC would not react to the player robbing their Camp in clear view
- Fixed an issue where the Journal would not appear in the cutscene after achieving 100% completion
- Fixed an issue that resulted in the player requesting a ride would accidentally hijack the driver of a vehicle
- Fixed an issue where players were unable to lock-on and interact with certain characters in specific situations
- Fixed an issue that resulted in some Compendium entries not unlocking if collectable weapons were collected immediately after failing certain Epilogue Missions
- Fixed an issue that would result in being unable to skin Legendary Animals after destroying the animal’s limbs
- Fixed an issue that resulted in the player’s knife clipping through their outfit while using non-standard gun holsters
- Fixed animation issues with cutscenes that occur during Co-op Missions
- Fixed issues with the help text in Red Dead Online Beta Co-Op Missions
- Fixed an issue that resulted in some Stranger Missions not launching correctly
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players getting stuck after delivering the vehicle in the Gun for Hire Mission ‘Repossession’
- Fixed an issue that resulted in the Mission not ending as expected in the Gun for Hire Mission ‘Horse Theft’
- Fixed issues with map blips in the Gun for Hire Mission ‘On the Hunt’
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players not being brought into Missions who should have been
- Fixed an issue that resulted in Posse Versus to incorrectly end immediately after starting
- Fixed issues with spawn positions in the Free Roam Event ‘King of the Castle’
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being placed in Free Roam rather than their Mission after launching a Gun for Hire Mission
- Fixed an issue that resulted in the player not being placed in the vehicle at the start of Gun for Hire ‘Caravan Escort’
- Fixed an issue that resulted in a stolen horse from a Coach Holdup disappearing while the Mission was still in progress
- Fixed animation issues with cutscenes that occur during Stranger Missions
- Fixed an issue that resulted in some building doors to be locked during Hideout events, preventing event completion
- Fixed an issue that resulted in Hideout Events not launching correctly
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players getting stuck on the results screen at the completion of a Showdown Mode
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players receiving no points for the first kill in the Showdown Mode ‘Name Your Weapon’
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players getting stuck on a black screen after completion of the Showdown Mode ‘Name Your Weapon’
- Fixed an issue with sudden death in the Showdown Mode ‘Name Your Weapon’
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players getting stuck after finishing the Showdown Mode ‘Most Wanted’
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players incorrectly receiving the spectator alert screen when attempting to join the Showdown Mode ‘Gun Rush’
- Fixed an issue that resulted in player character portraits not displaying on Showdown Mode leaderboards
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players spawning and being unable to participate after accepting an invite to a Showdown Mode that was already in progress
- Several optimizations to matchmaking and network performance
- Fixed issues that resulted in player positions, animations and interactions being out of sync between different players in a session
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players getting stuck when trying to join a Mission in progress
- Fixed issues that resulted in problems with matchmaking, displayed network error messages, or being disconnected from the server
- Fixed an issue that prevented a player from joining a session after accepting an invite from another player
- Fixed issues that resulted in in-game invites not being received by other players in some circumstances or resulting in error messages when sent
- Fixed an issue with profile switching that resulted in a player being unable to join the Red Dead Online Beta until the game was restarted
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players incorrectly receiving the alert “Unable to download Mission data at this time. Please try again later. [Error: 0x99470000]”
- Fixed an issue that resulted in Job matchmaking with posse members continuing after attempting to leave the Red Dead Online Beta via the Pause menu
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players losing functionality after using the Replay Mission option
- Fixed an issue that resulted in the ‘Posse Infighting’ and ‘Team Posse Infighting’ options being incorrectly greyed out
- Fixed issues that resulted in players being unable to send or receive Posse invites
- Fixed issues with Ability Card descriptions
- Fixed an issue that resulted in the Online main menu incorrectly showing a Persistent Posse as joinable when other Posse members were not currently online
- Fixed an issue that resulted in animated transitions between matchmaking and lobby menus not appearing for some online Co-op Missions
- Fixed an issue that resulted in the list of friends on the Player menu not being correctly sorted by online status
- Fixed an issue that resulted in flickering button prompts on the Abilities menu while switching between cards
- Fixed issues where incorrect text would appear on some network error messages
- Fixed an issue that resulted in some players not receiving inventory notifications after skinning an animal
- Fixed an issue with an incorrect character limit being displayed while selecting a name in the Character Creator menu
- Fixed an issue that resulted in old character information to display on the Player menu after deleting and creating a new character
- Fixed an issue that resulted in player rant to be displayed incorrectly on the Progress menu
- Fixed an issue that resulted in voice chat options in the Settings menu to not save correctly
- Fixed an issue that resulted in the ‘Hunting Profits’ statistic to not update correctly on the Player menu
- Fixed an issue that resulted in a flashing button prompt when attempting to lasso and hogtie another player in a Free Roam session
- Fixed issues that resulted in incorrect prompt text when interacting with Mission givers and Shopkeepers
- Fixed an issue that resulted in floating player names displaying in incorrect positions
- Fixed an issue that resulted in some Lawmen losing their radar blips while still in combat
- Fixed an issue that resulted in a crime going unreported after looting a dead lawman in view of other Lawmen
- Fixed an issue that resulted in Lawmen and other world population reacting incorrectly to explosions caused by thrown Dynamite
- Fixed an issue that resulted in crimes not being reported for looting the Saddlebags of hitched horses in towns
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players not gaining a Wanted status after reviving fellow Posse members who are involved in combat with Lawmen
- Fixed an issue that resulted in melee crimes against the world population not being detected properly
- Fixed an issue that resulted in some items not appearing on the item wheel after purchasing from the Handheld Catalogue or Social Club Catalogue website
- Fixed issues that resulted in clipping and intersection problems with different combinations of player clothing
- Fixed an issue with the shop transaction system that could have caused errors, queued duplicate transactions or prevented repeated purchases of an item
- Fixed an issue that resulted in some unlocked Award belt buckles not appearing in the Wardrobe menu
- Fixed issues that resulted in incorrect colors to be shown between the Wardrobe menu and clothing models
- Fixed an issue that resulted in the player’s stored hat not appearing on the horse inventory wheel after returning to Free Roam after a Mission
- Fixed an issue that resulted in the player not being able to put away certain held items such as treasure maps and the Handheld Catalogue
- Fixed an issue that resulted in the Special Swamp Lure not being available to purchase in the Handheld Catalogue
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players’ horse Cores to immediately drop after making it flee then recalling it
- Fixed an issue that resulted in floating tugboats appearing and persisting in the world between Free Roam sessions
- Fixed animation issues related to entering, exiting, hijacking and sitting on vehicles as well as interaction with mounts
- Fixed camera issues while using vehicles in first person mode
- Fixed an animation issue that could occur when viewing other players hanging off the exterior of a vehicle
- Fixed animation and behavior issues when aiming and firing weapons from the passenger seats of some vehicles
- Fixed an issue that resulted in vehicles not being able to be driven after swapping reins between two players
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players getting stuck when attempting to enter the trolley in Saint Denis
- Fixed issues that resulted in stowed pelts disappearing or dropping from the player’s horse when interacting with other nearby players
- Fixed an issue that resulted in player saddles disappearing after transitioning from a Job to Free Roam
- Fixed an issue that resulted in other players appearing to face the wrong direction while aiming and shooting a weapon from Horseback
- Fixed an issue that resulted in weapon degradation to be reset after cleaning a weapon during a Showdown Mode
- Fixed an issue that resulted in some repeater and rifle weapons not registering headshots correctly while firing near the weapon’s maximum range and using an attached scope
- Fixed an issue that resulted in the reticle size not updating if the player died while holding a drawn Bow
- Fixed an issue that resulted in weapon pickups not glowing correctly while playing Showdown modes under certain circumstances
- Fixed an issue that prevented inventory help text from appearing when attempting to collect certain weapon pickups when the player inventory was at maximum capacity
- Fixed an issue with incorrect inventory notifications when attempting to collect multiples of the same pickup type in quick succession
- Fixed an issue resulted in some weapons being able to be fired as fully automatic under certain conditions
- Fixed an issue that resulted in missing or invisible weapons during the introductory cutscenes of the Red Dead Online Beta
- Fixed an issue that resulted in the player’s weapon briefly disappearing from their hands when leaving the Maintain menu
- Fixed an issue that resulted in duplicate Throwing Knife pickups to appear in the world after being thrown by another player in the session
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to throw some projectile weapons in team-based Missions
- Fixed an issue that resulted in some thrown melee weapons disappearing from the player’s inventory after transitioning from a Job back to a Free Roam session
- Fixed an issue that resulted in incorrect animations playing when female players lit and threw the Fire Bottle
- Fixed issues where the world population would not flee or react correctly to the actions of players
- Fixed an issue with incorrect animations when multiple players take cover against the same object
- Fixed an issue that would result in the player’s stamina bar draining incorrectly while swimming
- Fixed issues and made improvements to the behavior of emotes and the functionality of the emote selection wheel
- Fixed an issue that resulted in the upgraded Saddlebag not increasing players’ carry capacity
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players getting stuck in a lobby after voting to kick a player
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being incorrectly charged when using Fast Travel after joining a ‘Hunt the Posse’ activity
- Fixed an issue that resulted in the stats for 'Total Cash Earned' and 'Total Cash Spent' to appear incorrectly
- Fixed issues that resulted in changes to players’ hair and facial features to either change to a different style or be removed
- Fixed an issue that resulted in the player’s knife not displaying while cooking and crafting items in Free Roam
- Fixed issues with Showdown Series sign-posts appearing in Free Roam
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players losing all map blips after Fast Travelling
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players receiving an unresponsive button prompt after breaking down a bird in their satchel
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players getting stuck on a black screen after accepting an invite
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players having no map blips after quitting and being asked to spectate a Mission
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to rename their Posse
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players having no functionality after accepting a PSN Voice Chat Party invite
- Fixed an issue that resulted in spectating players getting stuck on the winning players screen
- Fixed an issue that resulted in trains to appear driving off the tracks
- Fixed issues with idle kicking on Xbox One
- Fixed an issue with the bank doors in Valentine
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to purchase items with gold
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players incorrectly losing pelts
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to craft Special Snake Oil
- Fixed an issue that resulted in female characters having male voices when vomiting
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to choose a gender for their horse
- Fixed an issue that resulted in Camp flag map blips flashing repeatedly
- Fixed an issue that resulted in the Parley help text flashing repeatedly
- Fixed an issue that resulted in a delay in displaying the map when loading in after quitting store menus
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players’ outfits being reset
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players’ weapon loadouts being incorrect
- Fixed an issue that resulted in the game being stuck in slow motion after transitioning from a Job to a Free Roam session
- Fixed an issue that resulted in erratic camera positioning when a player quit a Job or disconnected from a session while being locked onto by another player
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players falling through the world when hogtied and dropped at certain locations
- Fixed an issue that resulted in other players in a session to flicker or appear invisible
- Fixed an issue with incorrect combat behavior of enemies in multiplayer sessions
- Fixed an issue that prevented voice chat notifications from appearing while a player is crafting or cooking
- Fixed an issue that resulted in incorrect animations when attempting to purchase items from shop shelves without the required funds
- Fixed an issue that resulted in a player being unable to skin or pluck an animal under certain circumstances
- Fixed an issue that resulted in delayed hit reaction animations when shooting at players over long distances
- Fixed issues that resulted in players receiving inappropriate or duplicate play style awards on the leaderboard at the end of a Job
- Fixed an issue that resulted in team voice chat not working correctly when joining a Mission in progress
- Fixed an issue that resulted in the player becoming stuck in first person mode and unable to look around after transitioning from a Mission to Free Roam
- Fixed an issue that resulted in the ‘Buckle Up’ achievement showing incorrect progress towards completion
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players not receiving the option to equip the buckle after completing the 'Trade: Earn 100 Gold Nuggets' Award
- Fixed an issue resulted in some weapons not counting towards melee-based Awards in the ‘Sharpshooter’ category
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players not being able to break free from a grapple if it occurred while the player was resting
- Fixed an issue that resulted in a muted players voice chat to become unmuted after transitioning between several sessions
- Fixed an issue with female movement animations while the Gunslinger walk style is selected
- Fixed issues with incorrect skinning and looting animations for multiplayer characters
- Fixed an issue with misaligned animations when grappling and tackling other players
- Fixed an issue that resulted in weight not being represented correctly on the models of some female players
- General improvements to stability and performance