The Long Stretch is a main story mission in Grand Theft Auto V given by Lamar Davis, involving protagonist Franklin Clinton.
It's the 10° GTA V mission in chronological order, and it takes place in Los Santos.
Stretch has been released from prison, Lamar and Franklin take him out.
Gold Medal Objectives (100%)
The following are the Mission Objectives required to obtain the Gold Medal in the mission "The Long Stretch":
- Accuracy: Finish with a shooting accuracy of at least 60%.
- Headshots: Kill 10 enemies with a headshot.
- Unmarked: Complete with minimal damage to health and armor.
- In the final room, hugging the wall on the right will grant the most protection.
- Time: Complete within 10:30.
- Skip all the cutscenes. Use Franklin's special ability to escape the police.
Note: You can complete each Gold Medal requirement in multiple playthroughs of the mission. You don't need to obtain them all in one single playthrough.
The Long Stretch - Mission Details:
Franklin arrives home to his auntie and her friends. He leaves promptly to Lamar and Stretch walking up his path. Franklin isn't happy that Stretch is back, causing an argument between them. Lamar calms them down and they both tell Franklin they have some "business" to attend to.
The trio head to Ammu-nation. Franklin purchases a pump shotgun with a flashlight. Lamar will lend him the $1500 to purchase it if he doesn't have the funds. After, they all head to the recycling plant in La Puerta. On the drive over, Lamar tells Franklin that the business is a drug deal. Franklin is apprehensive about the deal but still tags along.
They meet up with D, who has set up the deal. It ends up being a set-up, revenge for kidnapping D. Stretch, annoyed with the situation, shoots D twice in the head, killing him instantly. The three must now fight their way out of the plant as Ballas are now swarming the place. The shootout ends up setting the plant ablaze and the three escape the building.
Once outside, they notice the LSPD are now on their tail. Franklin shoots down two helicopters and the three makes their escape from the grounds of the building. Now with a three-star heat on them, the trio gets in a car and eventually lose the police. They head back to Franklin's house and all part ways.
The Long Stretch: Mission Objectives
- Go to Ammu-Nation.
- Buy a pump shotgun and a flashlight mod.
- Go to the meeting at the recycling plant.
- Espace the recycling plant.
- Escape the junkyard.
- Lose the Cops.
- Go back to Franklin's house.
The Long Stretch: Mission Info
- Mission Number 10
- Mission Type Mandatory Mission
- Mission Giver Lamar Davis
- Protagonist (Playable) Franklin Clinton
- Location Franklin's House, Strawberry
- State / Area Los Santos
- Rewards Stretch as a contact for Franklin; Lamar and Stretch as Director Mode characters
- Unlocked Items Pump Shotgun
- Featuring Emperor Police Maverick Police Stanier LE Cruiser Pump Shotgun Clinton Residence D Stretch Ballas Los Santos Police Department (LSPD) The Families
The Long Stretch: Videos
PS3 / Xbox 360: Gold Medal Video Walkthrough
PS4 / Xbox One (First Person): Gold Medal Video Walkthrough
The Long Stretch: Screenshots