• Game Edition Game Edition: GTA OnlineGTA Online
  • Release Date October 4, 2016
  • Platforms PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One

The Bikers Update brings underground Motorcycle Clubs to the forefront of the Los Santos and Blaine County criminal underworld with all new competitive and co-operative gameplay, new modes, vehicles, weapons, clothing and much more.

New Properties

  • Clubhouse Properties have been added to GTA Online.
    • Players can buy a Clubhouse via the new foreclosures.maze-bank.com website after completing or skipping the GTA Online tutorial.
    • Upon purchasing a Clubhouse, players will be given the title of Motorcycle Club (MC) President which allows them to have up to 7 players in their MC and gain exclusive access to new Club Work, Club Challenges, Member Challenges, Clubhouse Contracts, Businesses and more.
    • Players can also customize their Clubhouse with additions such as Murals, Styles, Club Emblems, a Gun Locker and a Custom Bike Shop.
  • MC Business Properties have been added to GTA Online.
    • Players can purchase Businesses via the new Open Road website on the laptop in their Clubhouse.
    • Businesses include: Weed, Forgeries, Counterfeit Cash, Meth and Cocaine.
    • Businesses can be upgraded with a choice of Security, Staff or Equipment upgrades to increase their production rate and reduce the risk of potential attacks from police raids and enemies.
    • Players will have to set up, resupply and defend their Businesses to capitalize on their maximum potential profit.

New Vehicles

Released on Day of Update

LCC Avarus

Nagasaki Chimera

Shitzu Defiler

Pegassi Faggio Mod

Pegassi Faggio Sport

Shitzu Hakuchou Drag Bike

Maibatsu Manchez

Western Nightblade

Western Rat Bike

Nagasaki Street Blazer

Western Wolfsbane

Western Zombie Bobber

Western Zombie Chopper

Released on Subsequent Weeks

BF Raptor

Western Daemon (Custom)

Pegassi Vortex

LCC Sanctus

Declasse Tornado Rat Rod

Nagasaki Shotaro

Pegassi Esskey

Bravado Youga Classic

New Weapons

Battle Axe

Compact Grenade Launcher

Mini SMG

Pipe Bomb

Pipe Wrench

Pool Cue

Sweeper Shotgun

New Jobs / Missions

Clubhouse Contracts


Kill Quota

Lost Vs Damned

Motorcycle Club Work & Challenges


The Open Road Business

  • Motorcycle Clubs have access to exclusive features and benefits such as:
    • MC Presidents and their Road Captain can use the “Riding Formation” feature in the Interaction Menu. This creates a radius around the player who has set the formation which members can enter on their motorcycles and receive accelerated player and vehicle health regeneration.
    • The MC President can choose between two different riding styles, normal and relaxed, in the Manage MC section of the Interaction Menu, which applies to all gang members.
    • MC Presidents can assign each member of their MC a role; players can be made either a Prospect, an Enforcer, a Sergeant at Arms, a Road Captain or a Vice President. Each role possesses its own abilities that can help both you and your team.
    • Presidents can choose from a selection of Biker outfit styles for their whole MC.
    • MC members can choose their own outfit from the style the President sets.
    • MCs have access to newly added Club Work, Club Challenges and Member Challenges.
  • Club Work has been added to GTA Online. These include:
    • Deathmatch (2-16 players)
      • Invite Only. Challenge a rival MC or Organization in session to a Deathmatch.
    • Joust (2-16 players)
      • Challenge a rival MC in session to a Deathmatch on motorcycles.
    • Caged In (2+ players)
      • Open to all. Head to an area on a motorcycle and follow the route to the end to win. Use Biker melee to take out the other bikers on route.
    • Stand Your Ground (2+ players)
      • Open to all. Head to a nearby area and defend it from other players in session. Rivals win by capturing the area.
  • Club Challenges have been added to GTA Online. These include:
    • Search and Destroy (2-8 players)
      • Compete against your MC in a Race to search an area of the map and hunt down a target.
    • Wheelie Rider (2-8 Players)
      • Players in the MC compete to achieve the longest wheelie in the time limit.
    • Criminal Mischief (2-8 Players)
      • Players compete to melee the most cars whilst riding their motorcycles.
  • Member Challenges have been added to GTA Online. These include:
    • Rippin’ It Up (2-8 players) (Enforcer ability)
      • MC Members have to cause the most damage whilst driving their motorcycles.
    • Hit and Ride (2-8 players) (Vice President ability)
      • Compete against your MC to drive-by kill the most enemy targets across the map within the time limit.
    • On the Run (2-8 players) (Sergeant at Arms ability)
      • All players in the MC are given a 5 star wanted rating. Last to survive wins.
    • Race to Point (2-8 players) (Road Captain ability)
      • Compete against your MC in a motorcycle Race to the Clubhouse or a random destination on the map.
  • Clubhouse Contracts have been added to GTA Online. These include:
    • Gunrunning
      • Ambush a weapons deal and deliver the weapon cases to the drop-off.
    • P.O.W
      • Rescue a contact from a secure location and get them to safety.
    • Guns for Hire
      • Defend a convoy as it travels from one location to another.
    • By The Pound
      • Complete a deal for some product and deliver it to the buyer.
    • Weapon of Choice
      • Assassinate targets using a specific method of execution.
    • Nine Tenths of the Law
      • Steal motorcycles from a secure location and deliver them the drop-off.
    • Cracked
      • Attack a gang hideout and steal cash from their safe.
    • Jailbreak
      • Hijack a prison bus full of prisoners and get them to the escape vehicles.
    • Fragile Goods
      • Destroy Lost MC vans driving around Los Santos and Blaine County.
    • Outrider
      • Collect contacts one by one on a motorcycle and transport them to safety.
    • Torched
      • Go to gang members’ warehouses and burn their munition crates.
  • New Adversary Modes have been added to GTA Online which unlock at Rank 1:
    • Slipstream
      • A Race where teams of riders have to stick together to hit checkpoints, slipstreaming each other to get speed boosts. The first team across the finish line wins. This Mode is for 4-16 players.
    • Lost Vs Damned
      • Day and night Deathmatch between the forces of good and evil
      • This mode is for 2-10 players
    • Deadline
      • Players try to take each other out using trails coming out of the back of their bikes.
      • This mode is for 2-4 players.
    • Kill Quota
      • Players are equipped with one weapon per round, once they hit their kill quota on that weapon they proceed to the next one. The first team to hit all their quotas, or with the highest count at the end of the timer, wins.
      • This mode is for 2-16 players.

Other Title Update Notes

  • One existing vehicle has been added for purchase:
    • Western Bagger
  • Over 50 tattoos have been added to GTA Online.
  • Over 275 male and female biker-themed clothing items have been added to GTA Online.
  • A sixth purchasable property slot has been added to GTA Online
  • Players can now melee attack while seated on a motorcycle. This can be performed while having a one-handed weapon equipped.
  • New Crew Emblem pieces have been added to the Social Club Emblem Creator.
  • The “Non-Contact” option can now be used in Stunt Races.
  • Players are now able to copy the Rank of their existing character into the second character slot when creating a new character. The Rank has been capped at 120.
  • Icons have been added next to players’ platform names on the D-Pad down players list to indicate whether a player is a CEO, VIP or an MC President.
  • The Rank requirement for applying a Crew Emblem to your clothing has been removed.
  • New Adversary Series triggers have been added to GTA Online Freemode.
  • Changes have been made to the Freemode triggers that were added with Cunning Stunts.
  • Stunt Series triggers have been reduced to 8 locations.
  • Adversary Mode triggers have been reduced to 3 locations.
  • Destroyed and impounded vehicles are now available in Races.
  • The “Fast Zoom” option is now available in all Creators.
  • The wait timer in Stunt Series lobbies has been changed to 10 seconds when the lobby is full.
  • Players are now able to sell free vehicles. Players will not receive any money for the vehicle itself but will be given 50% of the value of any mods applied.
  • New driver idle and fidget animations have been added for motorcycles and will play when the vehicle is stationary.
  • Stunt Props can now be used in the Creator for the following job types: Capture; Deathmatch; LTS




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