The Stun Gun is a weapon in the Handguns class featured in Grand Theft Auto V and GTA Online, added to the game as part of the , update on September 17, 2013.

The design of the Stun Gun is based on a real life Taser Gun. The in-game version of the weapon is manufactured by Coil.

This weapon can be tinted in a different color, but does not have any attachment customizations.

How to get the Stun Gun in GTA 5 Story Mode:

In the Story Mode of GTA V, the Stun Gun can be purchased from Ammu-Nation for a price of $100.

It becomes available after completing the mission The Civil Border Patrol and Monkey Business in Story Mode.

How to get the Stun Gun in GTA Online:

The Stun Gun can be purchased in GTA Online from The Agency Armory for a price of $375,000.

The Stun Gun can only be obtained from the Armory located inside an Agency Property. However, you can also buy the weapon from another player's Agency, without needing to own an Agency or the Armory upgrade yourself.

Stun Gun Description:

Fires a projectile that administers a voltage capable of temporarily stunning an assailant. It's like, literally stunning. 

After firing, the Stun Gun takes approximately 4 seconds to recharge in Story Mode, and 12 seconds to recharge in GTA Online.

Stun Gun: GTA V Statistics

  • Damage
  • Fire Rate
  • Accuracy
  • Range
  • Clip Size
  • Overall 31.20
  • Ammo Capacity Unlimited

Stun Gun: GTA V Info

  • Notes Originally exclusive to the Story Mode of GTA V, the Stun Gun has been added to GTA Online with 'The Contract' Update on December 15, 2021.

Stun Gun: GTA V Weapon Customization

TintsGTA VGTA Online
Black Default Default
Army $100 $4,750
Green $200 $4,987
Orange $400 $5,225
LSPD $600 $5,462
Pink $800 $7,125
Gold $1,000 $9,500
Platinum $1,500 $11,875

Stun Gun: GTA V Appearances

Stun Gun: GTA V Screenshots

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