Mary-Jo Cassidy appears as a Minor Character in GTA Vice City Stories.
Mary-Jo is the older sister of Louise Cassidy-Williams and Phil Cassidy. She allows her sister to live with her after she runs away from her husband.
After her sister's death, Mary brings up her niece, Mary-Beth Williams.
Mary-Jo Cassidy: Character Info
- Role Minor Character
- Gender Female
- Nationality
United States
- Location Apartment in Little Havana, Vice City
- Performer / Actor Cathy Trien
- Family
Louise Cassidy-Williams - Sister
Phil Cassidy - Brother
Marty Jay Williams - Brother-in-law
Mary-Jo Cassidy - Niece
- Affiliation
Victor Vance
- Vehicles
Mary-Jo Cassidy: Appearances
- Appearances in Story Missions: