Air Arms Trafficking is a side-mission series in Grand Theft Auto V that involves Trevor delivering and dropping weapons packages for Oscar in different locations of San Andreas, using a plane, and starting from the McKenzie Field Hangar.

Each of the five missions counts towards the Hobbies and Pastimes, but they're not required for 100% Completion of the game.

Arms Trafficking - Air: Missions

There are five air trafficking missions to be completed, and they can be replayed indefinitely in a random order for $7,000 per mission. Each mission features different bonus tasks for extra cash and has the player drop packages or air-drop bombs on rivals in different locations.

Air Trafficking - Mission 1

Trevor has to drop off two packages on the first mission, one in Great Chaparral, near Route 68, and one at the Altruist Camp, in Chiliad Mountain State Wilderness. The plane holds 4 packages, so two can be missed before failing the mission.

This mission features two cash bonuses, as follows:

  • Accurate Drop Bonus ($125) - Do not miss any of the drop zones
  • Time Bonus ($125) - Complete within 4:10 (4 minutes and 10 seconds).

Air Trafficking - Mission 2

The second mission has Trevor deliver three packages: one on the east part of Mount Josiah, one on a farm in the Grand Senora Desert, and one near the Land Act Reservoir, in the Tataviam mountains. The plane holds 4 packages, so only one can be missed before failing the mission. Trevor needs to fly under the altitude limit in this mission to avoid being spotted by the police radar.

This mission features three cash bonuses, as follows:

  • Accurate Drop Bonus ($125) - Do not miss any of the drop zones
  • Low Altitude Bonus ($125) - Do not go over the altitude limit.
  • Time Bonus ($125) - Complete within 5:00 (5 minutes).

Air Trafficking - Mission 3

In this mission, Trevor needs to blow up four groups of Aztecas using air-dropped bombs. The four groups can be found as follows: one near a pier in the Alamo Sea, one group near the Great Ocean Highway, in Chiliad Mountain State Wilderness, a third group northeast of Paleto Bay, while the fourth will be on a pier in the San Chianski Mountain Range. The plane holds 6 bombs, so two can be missed before failing the mission.

This mission features two cash bonuses, as follows:

  • Accurate Drop Bonus ($125) - Do not miss any of the drop zones
  • Time Bonus ($125) - Complete within 6:00 (6 minutes).

Air Trafficking - Mission 4

The fourth mission has Trevor destroy two moving cargos from the Marabunta Grande. One of the cargos will be moved by train and is found around Sandy Shores, while the second is moved by boat and is found in the ocean near the Raton Canyon. The plane holds 4 bombs, so two can be missed before failing the mission.

This mission features two cash bonuses, as follows:

  • Accurate Drop Bonus ($125) - Do not miss any of the drop zones
  • Time Bonus ($125) - Complete within 3:20 (3 minutes and 20 seconds).

Air Trafficking - Mission 5

In the last mission, Trevor needs to destroy three sets of vehicles used by the Rednecks in the Sandy Shores Airfield. There are three sets of vehicles (two sets of planes and one set of trucks). In this mission, Trevor fires a chain of bombs instead of a singular bomb, so the plane's trajectory will need to be aligned with the line of vehicles to destroy them all. The plane holds 4 chains of bombs, so only one can be missed before failing the mission.

This mission features two cash bonuses, as follows:

  • Accurate Drop Bonus ($125) - Do not miss any of the drop zones
  • Time Bonus ($125) - Complete within 3:20 (4 minutes and 10 seconds).

Arms Trafficking - Air: Activity Info

  • Mission Type Hobbies & Pastimes
  • Mission Giver Oscar Guzman
  • Protagonist (Playable) Trevor Philips
  • Location McKenzie Field Hangar, Blaine County
  • Available After Mission (Story Mode)
  • How To Unlock Available after acquiring the McKenzie Field Hangar.
  • Required for 100% No
  • Game Edition Game Edition: GTA V Story ModeGTA V Story Mode
  • Platforms PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360

Arms Trafficking - Air: Video Walkthrough

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