Dr. Isiah Friedlander appears as a Supporting Character in Grand Theft Auto V.

Dr. Isiah Friedlander is a renowned therapist based in Los Santos and is Michael's therapist. He works for the Mount Zonah Medical Center, with a clinic on the Pacific Bluffs coastline.

On his official website, Dr. Friedlander is said to be a psychotherapist, media personality, secular Buddhist, and keen model boat enthusiast.

Michael visits Dr. Friedlander once a week, at his clinic on the Pacific Bluffs coastline. He charges exorbitant rates for sessions and does not appear to care much about his patient and their problems, seen looking at his watch waiting for the session time to expire during meetings with Michael. He appears unconcerned about Michael's behavior, as the latter confesses that he is able to kill without remorse, and makes several Bleeter posts further reinforcing his disdain for his patients.

He reappears in the mission Reuniting the Family, listening to Amanda and Michael arguing about their relationship but making no effort to intervene. Later, in an optional visit, he tells Michael that he has been offered his own TV show and that he will use Michael's case on his show. Angered by this, Michael chases Friedlander and has the choice to kill him or let him go.

Dr. Isiah Friedlander: Character Info

  • Role Supporting Character
  • Gender Male
  • Nationality Nationality: United StatesUnited States
  • Location Pacific Bluffs, Los Santos
  • Occupation Psychologist; Author; Radio host
  • Also Known As Pube Head; Doc
  • Performer / Actor Bryan Scott Johnson
  • Affiliation Michael de santaMichael De Santa
  • Playability Director Mode
  • Vehicle

Dr. Isiah Friedlander: Appearances

  • Game Edition Game Edition: GTA V Story ModeGTA V Story Mode
  • Platforms PC, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360

Dr. Isiah Friedlander Screenshots

Dr. Isiah Friedlander Artworks

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