The Pump Action Shotgun is a weapon in the Shotguns class featured in Red Dead Redemption 2 and Red Dead Online.
The design of the Pump Action Shotgun is based on a real life Winchester Model 1897 Shotgun. The in-game version of the weapon is manufactured by Lancaster.
This weapon can be customized at any of the Gunsmiths.
This weapon also appears in GTA 6, Grand Theft Auto V, Grand Theft Auto IV, GTA San Andreas, GTA Vice City and GTA 3.
How to get the Pump Action Shotgun in Red Dead Online:
The Pump Action Shotgun can be purchased in Red Dead Online at any Gunsmith or from the Handheld Catalogue, for a price of $266.40 or .
It's unlocked for purchase after reaching Rank 5 in Red Dead Online.
How to get the Pump Action Shotgun in RDR2 Story Mode:
The Pump Action Shotgun in RDR2 can be Found during the Chez Porter Home Robbery (Grizzlies West, Ambarino), at the top of the ladder in the master bedroom, or it can be purchased for a price of $148.00.
It becomes available after completing the mission Pouring Forth Oil - III & IV in Story Mode.
Pump Action Shotgun Description:
The high-powered Lancaster Pump Shotgun has a large ammo capacity and quick reload capabilities. Despite average accuracy, this gun will hold true should you find yourself confronted by wild beast or man in close combat. This gun has an ammo capacity of five rounds, and can use Regular Buckshot, Incendiary Buckshot, Slug and Explosive Slug shotgun ammo.
Pump Action Shotgun: RDR2 Statistics
Fire Rate47.00
- Overall 48.00
- Unlock Rank 5
- Ammo Capacity 5
Pump Action Shotgun: RDR2 Info
- Manufacturer
- Weapon Class Shotguns
- Weapon Wheel Slot Longarm
- Location Found during the Chez Porter Home Robbery (Grizzlies West, Ambarino), at the top of the ladder in the master bedroom
- Acquisition Can be stolen / found, Gunsmith
- Available After Mission (Story Mode)
- Story Mode Price $148.00
- Online Price $266.40 or
- Modifications Can be modified
- Based on (Real Life) Winchester Model 1897 Shotgun
- Notes FREE for owners of the Special/Ultimate Edition.
Wheeler, Rawson & Co. Catalogue Description (in-game):For the man who has more tongue than sense, the mere sound of the Lancaster Pump-Action Shotgun loading a shell into the chamber should have him shut his mouth right quick. We think the new Lancaster design makes this the finest pump-action shotgun available on the market today.
Pump Action Shotgun: RDR2 Appearances
- Game Edition
Red Dead Online,
RDR 2 Story Mode, Special Edition
- Release Date October 26, 2018
- Variant Trader’s Pump-Action Shotgun (Red Dead Online)
- Appearances in Story Missions:
Coming soon.