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Update 16: “Redemption”
Mission 15: “For All You’ve Done”
The cutscene opens on the deserts of Mexico, with the sun scorching and the sand blowing in the air. The lead player approaches the front gate of El Presidio, with co op players joining them slightly behind. A slight chattering is head behind the walls, before silence falls for a moment. The front doors swing open, and twelve guards are standing there, weapons at the ready. In the distance, the player hears Yara’s voice shouting:
Yara: Disparales!
Everything falls silent for a second, broken by the cocking of a gun. The players fire into the guards, killing them all within seconds. Yara falls back, and runs into a back room in El Presidio, heading through a hatch down into a tomb.
Through gameplay, players chase Yara and fight their way through creepy catacombs below the fort, full of Yara’s elite guards. Eventually the catacombs end, and the players will end up in a large underground cave with sparkling pools of water glowing with bioluminescent algae. Here, Yara will send out three “Miniboss” armoured guards, one at a time. The first wields the same Halberd that killed Sadie, the second uses an explosive shotgun, and the third has a basic repeater but a pet Legendary Cougar which is coated in light blue and red war paint. Once the players have defeated these guards, Yara will burst out of an ornate locked door with her own ornate armour and two custom revolvers. Upon defeating her, a final cutscene triggers:
Yara drops to her knees and throws her helmet to the side of her, panting. The players approach her, and the lead player points their gun at her. Yara spits some blood out of the side of her mouth, and addresses the players:
Yara: You killed my husband; I could almost forgive you for that. But my boy, my beloved boy. I let nobody hurt my son for so long, and you brought that shame upon me. You could have let all this be when I struck even.
She looks down to the ground, and laughs to herself.
Yara (Cont’d): You judge me for those I kill, but do you ever stop to think about the muerto you leave in your path? How many broken hearts hurt for all eternity because of you?
The lead player looks down for a second, in a slight moment of regret. Co op players look at eachother uncomfortably.
Yara (Cont’d): We are the same, so if you’re going to shoot me, I suggest you put that pistola in your mouth and pull the trigger right after.
The lead player’s regret is immediately wiped from their face. They smack Yara across the face with the handle of their revolver and drag her over to the algae pond as she is screaming and punching at them.
Yara: What do you think this will do? You think I can’t swim?
The player shoots Yara’s knees, she screams out in pain. She sits clutching her knees next to the cliff above the algae pond, panting.
Yara: You are one evil hijo de puta!
The lead player lightly kicks Yara, pushing her into the algae. Bubbles and blood fill up the water. The players leave and the credits roll as a short slideshow of all relevant locations from the story plays, cut up by the players riding back to Blackwater. Ideally, ‘Short Change Hero’ by ‘The Heavy’ would play as this is happening.
Fade to black.
End of the cutscene and story.