ucb2 script ch1

Update 12: “Life on the Frontier: Past and Future”

Storyline is begun with a cutscene first seen after opening Red Dead Online after the update.

The player is sitting at the Marston residence after being invited around for a dinner, a loud crash and bang is head in the distance. The player and Marstons look at eachother but they mostly ignore it. Shortly after, people come banging on the door. John opens.

Citizen: Oh, mister, thank the lord you’re in, it’s a disaster!

John: Hold on, calm down. What is it?

Citizen: The Serendipity, the ferry. It’s gone and crashed at Quaker’s Cove. People are hurt, feller! You gotta help!

John: Ah, shit, alright partner. We’ll be there in a minute.

John looks back in the house to the player. The player nods, and they ride out.

At the Serendipity, the player and John carry people off the boat. The player is supporting someone who is dressed in expensive-looking clothing, they sit him on a bench and go to return to the boat, but he calls them back to him.

Alexander Dorset: You there, you look competent enough. Come ‘ere, would ya.

The player and John approach Alexander.

John: What’s the matter?

Alexander: This royal shitshow here, it weren’t no accident. We were boarded by a gang of thugs. They sabotaged the boat so we couldn’t beckon for help. I think they were hoping they could drown us but I managed to get the ol’ Serendipity to the docks first.

John: Son of a bitch, why would they do that? They rob you?

Alexander: No, but they took a girl. She fell in with the wrong crowd so the law won’t go lookin’ for her, but she ain’t a bad soul. I was meant to be getting her back to her family.

John: My shootin’ days are behind me, mister, I’m sorry. My friend here might help though?

John taps the player’s back, and they nod.

Alexander: Ah, thank you kindly. I’m sure there’ll be some reward in it for you. One hell of an adventure, at least. Seems like your sort of thing. Come back when the folks are away and see if you can get any clues.

The player nods, and returns to the boat to help people. Fade to black.


Mission 1: “Damage Control.”

After the player finds the correct clue on the boat, a cutscene is triggered.

The player who found the clue bends down to see a revolver cylinder with an engraving on it. Upon further inspection, they discover the engraving is a T planted on top a mound of skulls. They hold it into the light for any more details, but are immediately distracted when bullets start flying towards them. They quickly pocket the cylinder, before gameplay resumes and the players must flee the area to Beecher’s hope.

Upon reaching the ranch, the player who found the clue shows John the cylinder.

John: That’s one fancy shooter, alright. Don’t you have that friend in the city? He might know something about it. Go talk to him, see what you can’t find out.


Mission 2: “The Benefits of Friendship”

The lead player approaches Guido in the town of Saint Denis, where they first met.

Guido: Ahh, hello my old friend, I understand you have a favour to ask from me?

The lead player reaches into their pocket, but Guido holds out his hand stopping them.

Guido: Tah-tah-tah-tah, not yet. You wish for something from me, so I wish for something from you first. Remember, our friendship is very, how would you say? Transactional! Now, one of these uncivilised buffoons have stolen a small wagon of magnificent artworks I wish to put on display at my home. Get this for me, and I can see what I can do for you.

The lead player nods, and gameplay resumes. The players must find a way to retrieve the wagon and bring it back to Guido’s house on the other side of Saint Denis. Stealth is optional.

After returning the wagon, another cutscene triggers outside Guido’s house.

Guido: I knew there was a reason we were friends, eh? Now, what is it you needed?

The lead player presents the cylinder from their pocket. Guido takes it and inspects it with a magnifying glass.

Guido: Tsk tsk, oh no. My friend, if you know what is good for you, you will stay away from these people. The Torquemada Bandits own both sides of the Mexico border, and are known for being ruthless. Even Angelo Bronte could not keep a hold of them, and even in his demise I have struggled to get near to this area. Know your limits.

Guido throws the cylinder in the air for the lead player to catch, which they do expertly.

Guido: I know there is likely no stopping to you, so I will tell you that they frequently camp around Plainview. Buthatever happens, I have no part in this. I hope you understand.

The lead player nods, Guido gets in his carriage and rides off. The player looks at him curiously, they have never seen Guido afraid before.


Mission 3: “Failure, in Plain View”

The players approach a small camp at Plainview, where the Torquemada gang are drinking and trading disturbing stories about their past robberies. One spots the player.

Bandit 1: Eh ey! Who have we here?

Bandit 2: It seems like the little bitch gang, got some good meat for the dogs though.

The lead player looks them up and down, and takes out the revolver cylinder. They hold it in their hand in front of one of the gang members.

Bandit 1: Oh look, they’ve come for revenge for something!

Bandit 2: I know this one, this was mine. You’re here for Rosales, ain’t ya partner?

The lead player nods.

Bandit 2: Well, she ain’t here. But I could tell ya, for a price. I think your pinky would be good for the dogs?

Bandit 2 pulls out a knife, the lead player takes the cylinder and jams it into Bandit 2’s mouth and punches it, knocking him out. The first co op player pistol-whips Bandit 1 and any other players will just aim their guns. A man steps out from a tent.

Bandit Leader: You damn fools.

A small group of bandits approach the players from behind, causing them to surrender. They are knocked out.

The players wake up in the back of a wagon to the sound of screaming and gunfire. A bandit runs past the wagon to be shot with an incendiary round. The attacker shows now mercy.

The lead player leans to the front of the wagon to peak round, to have a revolver pointed at their head. They hear a familiar voice.

Sadie: Don’t. Fuckin’. Move.

She walks round to see who she is aiming a gun at.

Sadie: Oh, sorry partner. Maybe do move, let me get those ropes off ya and get the hell out of here.

She cuts the ropes on the players and it triggers a gameplay section where they must all defend the wagon as Sadie drives.

As Sadie is driving, she speaks to the players:

Sadie: I’d went down to Mexico for some time but I’d heard about all the commotion the Torquemadas were causing up here and about that poor Zoe Rosales, so I thought I’d come up and help. Didn’t expect you to be on the same case. I guess if we manage to get out of this alive, we could team up or somethin’?

The lead player nods to Sadie and shakes her hand.


Mission 4: “Downhill”

The players are sitting around a table in the Blackwater saloon as Sadie bursts through the doors and runs over to them, she pulls a seat away from another patron’s table and sits on it backwards.

Patron: Hey!

Sadie: Oh, quit your bitchin’ – I’ll only be a minute. [To the players] Okay, so I was diggin’ around New Austen for some information on where the Torquemadas were keeping Zoe, and I heard some whisperings about Gaptooth Breach so I went on over to check it out and right as rain they’re all holed up there. I was thinkin’ we head over and get that poor girl outta there.

The lead player takes a drink and taps the table before standing up, everyone heads out to their horses to ride to New Austen. Cut to around Tumbleweed where gameplay resumes and the players must ride with Sadie they last batch of the way. Sadie speaks to the players from her horse.

Sadie: I’d ask the Sheriff here to help us, send out some good shooters to take out this gang, but after your dealings with him a few years back he went quite uppity. Don’t even take too kindly to Bounty Hunters no more, even though we’re doing him a favour. I swear, even in death, that Agent Smith you had to deal with is still causin’ problems.

Upon arriving at the mine, Sadie will speak to the players in gameplay:

Sadie: Right, we’re here. On your mark, we light these bastards up. I think they’re keeping her in a cage at the bottom of the mine, so we’ll have to shoot our way in anyhow.

After defeating all the gang members and fighting their way into the mines, a cutscene triggers:

Sadie is out of breath, and begins looking around for Zoe.

Sadie: God damn, it, where the hell is she?

The players look around for her and come across a young girl lying in a cage. Sadie runs over to them. She is beaten and bruised, and does not look like she’ll make it.

Sadie: Zoe? Zoe Rosales?

Zoe: Sí. How-

She coughs, and spits up a little blood. She groans and grabs her stomach.

Zoe (cont’d): How did you know?

Sadie: People have been looking for you, they’re worried. We’re here to save you. Come on, we’ll get you out of here. Stand back.

Sadie shoots the lock, and goes to help Zoe out of the cage with one of the side players. Upon picking her up, Zoe screams and falls over. Sadie and said player help her to the ground.

Zoe: I’m sorry, it is too late for me.

Sadie: Son of a bitch, well, tell me the bastard who done this to you and we’ll get ‘em.

Zoe: The leader of the gang, he wanted me dead for breaking up with his son. Rogelio Lozano. They are all evil hijos de perra. Please, make sure this doesn’t happen to any more young girls?

Sadie is tearing up, it reminds her of the O’Driscolls and Jake. She nods, and stands up.

Zoe looks at the lead player, and points to their revolver.

Zoe: Would you please? It is an act of mercy.

The lead player looks at the revolver in their hand, and nods.

Zoe: Gracias.

The screen fades to black as the player points their gun to Zoe’s head. One gunshot is heard.

Open in on Beecher’s Hope. Sadie and the player head into the ranch to meet with the Marstons. Abigail greets the group.

Abigail: Sadie! John was telling me about the Rosales girl, did you manage to find her?

Sadie looks down.

Sadie: Yeah, we found her. It was too late.

John approaches the group.

John: Aw, that’s awful. I’m- I’m sorry.

Sadie: We’ve got some information, we’re gonna avenge this poor girl. Gotta make it right.

John: I’ll come with.

Sadie: No, it’s too dangerous. These people, they bring family into it. That ain’t fair on Abigail, on little Jack, hell, even on that old bastard.

She points at Uncle, who is sleeping on the sofa.

Sadie (Cont’d): You got the good life, John. So did Zoe. Don’t throw that away, we got this.

Abigail: Well, thank you, Sadie. Good luck.

Sadie: Yeah, thanks. [To the players] I’m gonna look into what to do from here, I’ll be in touch with the plans, alright?

The players nod, and head out.

Cut to black.

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