Cleaning House is a main story mission in GTA Vice City Stories, given by Jerry Martinez.
It's the 2° VCS mission in chronological order, and it becomes available after completing Soldier.
Victor takes out members of the Cholo gang in order to retrieve Jerry's money.
Cleaning House: Mission Objectives
- Go and meet Phil Cassidy.
- Get into Phil's truck.
- Make your way to Phil's old place.
- Get rid of the Cholos outside Phil's place.
- Go inside.
- Deal with the rest of the Cholo in here.
- Take the money back to Martinez.
Cleaning House: Mission Info
- Mission Number 2
- Mission Type Mandatory Mission
- Mission Giver
Jerry Martinez
- Location Jerry Martinez' Barracks, Fort Baxter Air Base
- Available After Mission (Story Mode)
- Required for 100% Yes
- Rewards $100; Phil's Depot Shooting Range becomes available.
- Unlocked Items
Conduct Unbecoming
Phil's Shooting Range
- Featuring
Cholo Sabre
Phil Cassidy