This simple guide will tell you how how to sell property in GTA Online, allowing you to flip your assets and reinvest in the latest and greatest buildings to stay one step ahead!

While Rockstar Games have not released an actual functionality in the game which lets you simply sell an apartment or property you own, you can obtain a similar result by performing a trade-in.

The 'trick' is to make a trade where you purchase a low-value property, for example, the cheapest is "Unit 124 Popular St" priced at a modest $25,000, trading it (swapping it) for the property you no longer want - aka the one you want to sell.

How To Sell Property in GTA Online: Trade In Steps

When in-game, hop online and perform the following six steps on how to sell your properties in GTA Online and release some equity:

  1. Go to the DYNASTY 8 website
  2. Sort properties by value LOW TO HIGH
  3. Select the cheapest one, "Unit 124 Popular St" ($25,000)
  5. A list will show on the screen titled "Trade In Property": select which of your properties you want to 'sell' from the list of properties shown
  6. An alert will pop up asking if you wish to continue with the purchase, confirm the selection

You will now own the new lesser value property, but you have sold the higher value property, and 50% of the value of your old property will be credited to your bank.

So this is how to sell property in GTA Online and make some of your money back - although it's not a full refund, but only 50% of the original value.

Note: While you can own up to 8 Apartments / Garages at the same time, for Business Properties you can own only one business of each type.


dynasty8 real estate home page

Selling GTA Online Properties: What about garage space?

You may be wondering: what happens to my 10-car garage if I sell the property by downgrading to a 2-car garage? Will I lose my vehicles?

The answer is, luckily, no, you won't lose your vehicles. Even if you downgrade to a smaller garage and you won't be physically able to see your vehicles stored there, you'll still be able to get them delivered to you by calling the mechanic.

However, if you want to still be able to admire your vehicles, it's better to store them in one of your business properties such as a Nightclub, Arena Workshop, and Office Garage. If you are trading in a residential property, you may want to transfer your vehicles to one of your business properties before you trade it in.


property for sale los santos

What GTA Online properties should I invest in?

For an investment to be an investment, you want to get a return. Cash is king in GTA Online, so the first properties you want to buy are businesses that you can operate and get revenue to build your bank account fast.

A CEO Office, Nightclub, or Bunker are popular first choices. To get the latest lowdown on how to rise to the top financially on the PS5 and Xbox Series X|S version of GTA Online, check out our guide on the Career Builder.

To get information on all GTA Online properties which tell you everything you need to know and lets you sort and filter by Property Type, Locations, Prices, Website, Style, Vehicles Capacity, and more, check out our full GTA Online Properties Database.

gta online properties database


Now you know how to sell property in GTA Online - although you can't fully sell them, you can get 50% of your money back by exchanging a property with the cheapest one on the market.

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