As part of the next-generation editions of GTA Online (PS5 and Xbox Series X|S), a new feature called "Career Builder" was added for the new players in GTA Online. If you do not have access to Career Builder, follow this Beginner's guide to make 3.2 Million from scratch without the starter pack.
And this guide will assist players in making the best use of this feature. Once you start the game for the first time, you will receive $4,000,000 in your GTA Bank account. However, your purchases are restricted to the career path you choose and you are only allowed to carry up to $1,000,000 cash to GTA Online free-roam. So the best option for you is to save money to buy the Kosatka, to host your own Cayo Perico Heist (explained below).
Starting from scratch in GTA Online in 2022 is much easier than it used to be. And this guide will aim at showcasing some simple steps to help you start your criminal career without any repetitive grind or dealing with other players trying to ruin your experience.
We will do that by setting you up with the fastest money-making method in GTA Online, the Cayo Perico Heist, completely solo and legitimately. And the variety of approaches that you can undertake this heist is way more than any other Heist in the game, so you will not easily get bored with it.
However, to "host" your own Cayo Perico Heist, you need to buy the Kosatka submarine from the "Warstock Cache & Carry", which costs $2,200,000. And this guide will show you how to get that amount within the first couple of hours after creating your character.
Step 1: Choose Career Path in Career Builder
The first thing after launching the game will be to choose a specific career via the Career Builder. You can either select Gunrunner Or Nightclub Owner as the Career Path. Both have advantages and disadvantages. But as mentioned before, your main aim is to buy Kosatka. Making money efficiently in GTA Online with these businesses is a secondary objective.
Both businesses (Bunker for Gunrunner or Nightclub for Nightclub Owner) provide passive income. So, you can simply start with the next steps after you complete the "Introduction" mission. Without going too much into the details, we can say that Gunrunner's introduction mission is much shorter as compared to Nightclub Owner.
As a Gunrunner, you can start doing research for items like special ammo or weapon attachments, or special upgrades for certain vehicles.
Whereas the Nightclub career is much more relaxed and at the beginning, you can earn money by either doing Nightclub promotion missions or by simply swapping DJs (in Invite Only Session). However, if you buy the cheapest Nightclub (to save as much cash as possible), you can also buy the Terrorbyte which lets you start Client Jobs ($30,000 per mission). And this way, you can also buy and upgrade the Oppressor Mk II (this vehicle will make flying around the map much easier) as soon as you have enough cash. So take your pick.
If you select Gunrunner from the Career Builder, select the following choices:
- Bunker: Chumash
- Upgrades: Upgrade Pack D
- Vehicle: Vapid Sadler OR Bravado Bison OR Bobcat XL
- Weapons: Special Carbine, Marksman Rifle, And Mini SMG (Optional: Homing Launcher, Pipe Bomb, Proximity Bomb)
If you select Nightclub owner, select the following choices in the Career Builder:
- Nightclub: Elysian Islands (If you want to buy Terrorbyte) or Vespucci Canals (otherwise)
- Upgrades: Omega Interior
- Vehicle: Terrorbyte or Armored Kuruma.
- Weapons: Special Carbine And Machine Pistol.
Step 2: Complete GTA Online's Introduction
After your Career Builder purchases, you will have roughly 1 million left in your bank that you can take with you to GTA Online. You will be directed to the Character creation screen. Make sure to put as many points as possible in the "Strength" stat. Rest of the points you can distribute them as you like. After that, once you exit the Mission Row Police Station, wait for texts and waypoints to appear on the map. Pick up the weapons stash, visit Bunker/Nightclub, and complete their setup mission(s).
After that, you will automatically load into a free-mode public session. Now simply open your pause menu, select the "Online" tab, select "Find New Session" and go to an "Invite Only" session so that other players do not bother you.
Step 3: Hidden Weapon Challenges (Payout: $825,000)
Before you continue any further, I would recommend you to Register as a SecuroServ VIP from the Interaction Menu. Now open the menu again and rent a Buzzard for $25,000 under "VIP Vehicles". This amount might seem a lot but this investment will save you a lot of travel time. Moreover, you can make your money back by simply launching a Sightseer VIP Work, which will take less than 5 minutes to complete with the Buzzard.
There are 3 hidden weapon challenges (aka treasure hunts) in GTA Online and have been listed below:
Navy Revolver (Payout: $275,000)
There are 5 Clues that you need to collect. The first 4 will have fixed locations, however, 5th location is random and can be at any of the 5 locations shown below (marked as 5A, 5B, and so on) All locations are shared in the video or you can check this screenshot below.
There will be a chiming sound when you are near it. After investigating all clues you will get a text from Slasher. Go to the Sandy Shores Airfield between 7 PM and 5 AM and wait for the Slasher to appear. He will spawn pretty close to so try to kill him as soon as possible. This will automatically put the gun in your Weapon Wheel.
The next step is to get 50 kills (Not Headshots). Start any survival either from the menu (Pause Menu > Online > Quick Job > Rockstar Created > Survival] or from the map itself). Note: All kills do NOT have to be done in one survival. You can replay survivals as much as you want. The primary reason to use Survivals is to avoid Cops and earn some Cash and RP while you are at it. Once this objective is complete, the amount will be deposited in your account. (NOTE: For each clue collected you receive $5,000, killing the slasher grants you $50,000, and completing the challenge gives you $200,000. Therefore, you receive $275,000 in total)
Double Action Revolver (Payout: $250,000)
To get started, you need to receive an email from
You can now refer to the video shared above for all 3 locations if you have trouble finding them. Investigating all 3 clues will give you the location of the Double-Action Revolver. Similar to Navy Revolver, start a survival and get 50 Headshots (body shots will not count). Once this objective is complete, the amount will be deposited in your account.
Stone Hatchet (Payout: $300,000)
To get started, you need to first visit Maude on the map (check the video for location) and receive her text. A few minutes later she will send an email about the Bounty Target. There are 5 in total.
These bounty hunting missions are very easy. Go to the location. Drive/Fly around and keep ears open for chime noises like the clues you have investigated in the previous hidden challenges. Find the target and shoot at their legs with SMG (low damage). They will give up after 1 or 2 shots. Take them back to Maude. Bringing in a bounty alive gives $5,000 extra per bounty. So you can always just kill the targets if you want to avoid any long drives/flights. After all bounties, you will get the location of Stone Hatchet.
Once acquired, start a contact mission (this way no cops bother you) from the menu or phone. Kill 25 NPCs with it and you will get the reward. (NOTE: Each bounty capture alive will grant you $10,000 and completing the challenge will grant you $250,000. Therefore, you receive $300,000 in total)
Step 4a: Flight School (Payout: $250,000 to $325,000)
For this step, go to the plane marker at LSIA and start flight school (check the image below for reference). Follow the instructions and you will be able to complete this exercise in 20 to 40 minutes.
If you are having issues with completing the last 2 tests, you do not have to worry too much. You can quit at any time and try again later. You will still receive the partial amount for completing the previous tests. The total amount received ranges depending on the Medals received. You receive more cash if you get Gold Medals.
Step 4b: Two Factor Authentication (Payout: $500,000)
Create a Social Club account. Go to settings and click on Two Factor Authentication. Follow the instructions on the website. Once verified, you will get this amount added to your account within 3 days. Feel free to check the video on how the procedure looks.
However, if you cannot wait for the Two Factor Authentication amount to be deposited, you can always complete Securoserv VIP Work "Sightseer" in-between activities. There is a cooldown of 10 minutes in case you would like to repeat this mission, so you can follow Step 4c (listed below) during that time.
Step 4c: Collectibles
There are a lot of collectibles that you can find in GTA Online. Some pay better than the others so I would recommend only going for the following 2 types if your main aim is to only collect cash:
Solomon Collectibles
Go to Richards Majestic studios. You will receive a text from Solomon. There are 7 fixed locations and most are easy to reach. Refer to the screenshots of the map below for exact locations. You get $10,000 for each collectible returned to Solomon.
There are 3 more locations (colored on the map) that are randomized so feel free to avoid them as they can take pretty long to gather. But if you see a blue dot pop up on your minimap, when near these locations feel free to check it out.
Once a day (in real life), you can collect 1 shipwreck and its location is always updated on this map.
Each shipwreck will give you $20,000. You will also unlock a special outfit after collecting 7 Shipwrecks.
Step 5: Buy Kosatka & Make Money with Cayo Perico Heist
Feel free to check this guide on Cayo Perico Heist. And before we continue, I will recommend you to go to this website and click the button "Stalk". Make sure to be Signed in with your Social Club account when you do so. This will grant you a 10% cashback on your next Warstock purchase. You will still need 2.2 million to make the purchase BUT you will only be charged 1.98 million.
And once you have $2,200,000 in your account, go to Martin Madrazo's mansion in Vinewood hills and go to the yellow marker. (Location shown in the image below)
You will get a text message from Miguel Madrazo. Go and visit him at the Music Locker (location shown in the image below).
Once inside the Music Locker, pay $150 to the receptionist (no need to own Penthouse) and visit Miguel downstairs.
A cut scene will play and you will now be able to buy Kosatka. After you purchase the Kosatka, you will get a message from Pavel. Meet him in your Kosatka. You can request a Dinghy under the Kosatka menu (under Service Vehicles) to get to your Kosatka.
After that just follow what Pavel says. Now you have the essential tools to start making millions in GTA Online with ease thanks to the Cayo Perico Heist.
After your first couple of heists, try to buy the Sparrow Helicopter as fast as possible. After that, you can upgrade your Bunker or buy other businesses. Play as you see fit.
Video Guide: How to Get Started in GTA Online Using Career Builder
And that's all there is to getting started in GTA Online using the Career Builder on PS5 & Xbox Series X|S. As a new player, you're flooded with information that may or may not be relevant to you as a beginner, and this guide aims at giving you a headstart in building a criminal career in GTA Online.
We sincerely hope that this guide has given you the tools required to make your journey easier. Feel free to ask any questions in the comments or provide any feedback.