Showdown Mode Updates

A new Featured Series has been introduced to Red Dead Online with new Showdown Mode variations.


Maps: The Manor and Sisika

Spoils of War

Maps: Fort Mercer and Orchard


Maps: Saint Denis and Saint Denis Plantation

Up In Smoke

Maps: Blackwater and Lanik Electrical

Last Stand

Maps: Annesburg Mine, Armadillo and Cemetery

Name Your Weapon

Maps: Fort Mercer, Heartlands Oil Field and Tall Trees

Limited-Time Clothing

RedDeadOnline Moonshiners 33

The Wheeler, Rawson & Co. Catalogue has a selection of previously featured limited-time items returning for the next two weeks.


RedDeadOnline Moonshiners 34

50% More Role XP

This week earn 50% more Role XP on all Trader Resupply, Trader Sell and Trader Free Roam Events.

Double XP

Earn Double XP on all A Land of Opportunities Missions, Free Roam Missions and Events.

Rank-Based Rewards

All players will continue to receive special rank-based rewards when crossing certain ranks, all the way through June 1st. Anyone who plays Red Dead Online at any point this week will automatically receive an Offer for 50% off a Vest below Rank 15.

Reach Rank 10

A Reward for a free Hunting Bow and an Offer for 50% off any Shotgun.

Reach Rank 20

A Reward for 5 Gold Bars off the price of the Bounty Hunter License and an Offer for 50% off any Revolver.

Reach Rank 30

A Reward for a free Machete & an Offer for 50% off any Repeater.

Reach Rank 40

An Offer for 40% off a Stable Stall and an Offer for 40% off any Horse at the Stables.

Reach Rank 50

A reward for one Free Character Appearance Change, an Offer for 50% Off Coats below Rank 15 and an offer for 40% off a Tent.

Reach Rank 60

All players beyond Rank 60 will receive a reward for a free Navy Revolver, 40% off a Camp Dog of your choice, 50% off a Stable Stall, and 5 Free Moonshine Mash Refills.

Twitch Prime Benefits

Red Dead Online players who connect their Twitch Prime account with the Rockstar Games Social Club will receive the Collector's Bag, a Polished Copper Moonshine Still Upgrade and a Reward for 5 Moonshiner Role Ranks, all free of charge (visit Twitch Prime to sign up).

PlayStation Plus

PlayStation Plus members will receive a Reward for 3 Free Ability Cards of their choice.

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