The Heat-Seeking Rocket Launcher is a weapon in the Heavy Weapons class featured in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. The design of the Heat-Seeking Rocket Launcher in GTA San Andreas is based on a real life SA-7 Grail.
Heat-Seeking Rocket Launcher Description:
Lightweight and portable, this shoulder-fired guided missile system locks onto flying vehicles in a short period of time and fires a quick missile that follows its target. Like the RPG, but better - now you don't even have to aim!
How to get the Heat-Seeking Rocket Launcher in GTA San Andreas:
It becomes available after completing the mission Vertical Bird in Story Mode.
The Heat-Seeking Rocket Launcher can be found and picked up around the San Andreas map (see the spawn locations in the "Appearances" section below).
The Heat-Seeking Rocket Launcher also Spawns at Mike Toreno's Ranch after the mission "Vertical Bird".
Heat-Seeking Rocket Launcher: GTA SA Statistics
- Skill Levels No
- Can Crouch No
- Can Strafe No
- Can Jump No
- Can Sprint No
Heat-Seeking Rocket Launcher: GTA SA Info
- Weapon Class Heavy Weapons
- Fire Type Projectile
- Available After Mission (Story Mode)
- How To Unlock Spawns at Mike Toreno's Ranch after the mission "Vertical Bird"
- Weapon Slot 8
- Weapon Tier Tier 3 (Nutter Cheat Set)
- Based on (Real Life) SA-7 Grail
Heat-Seeking Rocket Launcher: GTA SA Appearances
Heat-Seeking Rocket Launcher Spawn Locations in GTA San Andreas
Where to find the Heat-Seeking Rocket Launcher in GTA San Andreas:- Found at the Easter Bay Airport, San Fierro, between fuel canisters in the northeast.
- Found in Tierra Robada, inside Mike Toreno's ranch (after completing "Vertical Bird".)
- Found in Aldea Malvada, Tierra Robada, beside an abandoned house.
- Found at the Pilson Intersection, Las Venturas, on the northeast corner of the roof of a parking lot southwest of the intersection.
- Similar Weapons