The Double-Action Revolver is a weapon in the Revolvers class featured in Red Dead Redemption 2 and Red Dead Online.
The design of the Double-Action Revolver is based on a real life Colt New Model 1892 Army & Navy Revolver. The in-game version of the weapon is manufactured by D.D. Packenbush.
This weapon can be customized at any of the Gunsmiths.
This weapon also appears in GTA Online.
How to get the Double-Action Revolver in Red Dead Online:
The Double-Action Revolver can be purchased in Red Dead Online at any Gunsmith or from the Handheld Catalogue, for a price of $127.00 or .
It's unlocked for purchase after reaching Rank 17 in Red Dead Online.
How to get the Double-Action Revolver in RDR2 Story Mode:
The Double-Action Revolver can be purchased in RDR2 Story Mode at the Gunsmith for a price of $65.00.
It becomes available after completing the mission A Strange Kindness in Story Mode.
Players who have completed the related GTA Online treasure hunt and executed 50 Headshots with the Double-Action Revolver in GTA Online, will receive a pre-modded Golden Double-Action Revolver in their RDR2 inventory after "Eastward Bound" (Chapter 1), and will be the only ones to have access to the Gold Metal color to customize this weapon.
Double-Action Revolver Description:
The D.D. Packenbush Double-Action is a fast-firing revolver with medium damage. The advanced mechanism prevents the need to cock, at the cost of a heavy trigger pull and lower accuracy. The quick fire rate makes this a good choice for mounted combat. This gun has an ammo capacity of six rounds, and can use Regular, High Velocity, Split Point, Express and Explosive revolver ammo.
Double-Action Revolver: RDR2 Statistics
Fire Rate82.00
- Overall 58.00
- Unlock Rank 17
- Ammo Capacity 6
Double-Action Revolver: RDR2 Info
Wheeler, Rawson & Co. Catalogue Description (in-game):You can find no handsomer, up to date design than the D.D Packenbush Double-Action Revolver. It has the best action of any revolver for the price, and when you order one you will be the judge, jury and, very likely, the executioner.
Double-Action Revolver: RDR2 Appearances
- Game Edition
Red Dead Online,
RDR 2 Story Mode
- Release Date October 26, 2018
- Variant Golden Double-Action Revolver
- Appearances in Story Missions:
- Similar Weapons
This video shows where to find the Double-Action Revolver in Red Dead Redemption 2: