In this page you find the list of the Top 50 Best & Fastest Horses available in Red Dead Online Online (multiplayer) and Red Dead Redemption 2 (story mode), ranked by their Overall Rating. The overall rating for each horse is calculated from an average of all their stats (Health, Stamina, Speed, Acceleration and Handling).
This list of the top Horses in RDR2 is updated to December 2024, including all the highest rated horses for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC, along with their Price Value. Some are only found in Red Dead Online, while others are currently exclusive to Story Mode.
Clicking on each horse brings you to their detailed information and Statistics, with everything about their performance and the location where to find them.
RDR2 & Red Dead Online: List of Top 50 Best Horses Ranked
For a full list of tips on looking after your horse, with details on bonding and which types of food to give your Horse, check out our dedicated guide.
To browse through all the Horses included in RDR2 & Red Dead Online, with custom filters and ability to sort by any statistics and specifications, see the complete Red Dead Redemption 2 Horses Database.
Owner and Manager of GTA Base. Web Designer and Developer since 2007, passionate about creating content about the video games I love. Enthusiast for Rockstar Games for over 15 years.
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