Here you find what you need to know to get you started on your adventure in Red Dead Online, with information about the basic game features and some tips to help guide you in the wild west.

Character Creator

The first thing you will encounter in Red Dead Online is the Character Creator tool.

Set your name, age, skin tone, weight, facial features, starting hair, moustache and whistle style to your liking before venturing out into the world of Red Dead Online. You’ll also be able to tailor your player attributes and stats to fit your playstyle.

To further adjust a number of facial features, tap X/A to enter the Customize section and use the sliders to fine-tune your character.

While you can always make changes to your character’s hair, facial hair, makeup and dentistry at the local Barber or clothing from your Wardrobe or shops, your permanent features like your nose, eyes, mouth and freckles will not change after you finish creating your character.

UPDATE: After the Frontier Pursuits Update (1.11) on September 10, 2019, you can now redesign your character's appearance, without resetting progress.

You can change the appearance of your character through the Online Options section of the Player menu. All characters created before this update will receive one free appearance change, and further appearance changes can be made for a fee.

Health, Stamina & Satchel

Your Health is displayed in the lower left corner, with a heart icon. The outer bar shows your remaining Health. The inner core influences how quickly your health refills.

Your Health Core drains over time. When empty you will experience negative effects. Provisions can be eaten to restore some of your health core.

Your Stamina is also displayed in the lower left corner, with a lightning icon. The outer bar depletes when you run, jump or climb. The inner core affects how fast Stamina refills.

Your Movement speed will be limited when your stamina core is empty. Eating certain provisions will refill your Stamina Core.

The Satchel is where you'll find all of your provisions, documents and loot. Hold the right directional arrow to open your satchel. Different Provisions have different effects. Better quality food will refill more of the cores.


Holding the “Options” button allows you to quickly bring up the map. Use X/A when on the map to place a waypoint. Waypoints provide a route to your chosen location on the radar and map. A dashed line indicates when a route doesn’t follow a road.

You can also visit Fast Travel signposts to quickly travel to where your Posse or friends are located and various other locations around the map, or return to your camp for a flat fee.

Press L3 and R3 to activate Eagle Eye. Animal trails, plants, herbs, treasure chests and other lootable items will glow while Eagle Eye is active.

Your Horse

Your Horse Health is displayed in the lower left corner. A horse will collapse if its Health bar fully depletes. Purchasing Horse Insurance will allow your horse to automatically recover over time if it’s critically injured.

Horse Stamina is displayed in the lower left corner. Stamina drains when a horse gallops or jumps. Your horse will not gallop when its stamina is empty. Slowing down will allow the horse to regain stamina. Make sure to keep your horse well fed.

Creating a strong bond with your horse can be a huge help on your travels. Grooming and caring for your horse improves its stamina and makes it more maneuverable, allowing the ability to drift and skid while riding at high speeds.

See the comprehensive guide on everything you need to know about Horses in Red Dead Online.


Hold L1/LB to show the Weapon Wheel. Use the right analog stick to select a weapon and release L1/LB to equip it.

With a gun equipped, hold L2/LT to aim and use R2/RT to fire. Press O/B to reload. You can also fire weapons quickly from the hip by tapping R2/RT when not aiming.

Higher tier weapons will become unlocked as your Rank increases.

When aiming, press R3 to enter Dead Eye. Use Ability Cards to enhance your Dead Eye skill. Your Dead Eye bar will refill with each enemy you kill.

See the full guide to the Combat System in Red Dead Redemption 2, including details on all the different types of Weapons, ammunition, accessories, weapon maintenance and more.


As you progress through Red Dead Online, a wealth of customization options will be at your disposal, whether it be taking to the plains with a brand new outfit or personalizing your arsenal.

  • Gunsmith: Pay a visit to the local Gunsmith to upgrade your weaponry or to add a personal touch.
  • Stables: Manage your horses, buy or upgrade equipment, or give your horse a pampering with its own unique look.
  • Tailor & Clothing: Peruse the catalogue or head to your nearest tailor to customize your clothing. Options are endless with a wide range of hats, shirts, coats and boots but to name a few. Check back regularly for new additions.
  • General Stores: Visit General Stores for all your supplies and provisions needs.
  • Barbershop: Visit the local Barber to try a new hairstyle, give that beard a trim, try a Smokey eye look or re-visit your oral hygiene. Barbershops can be found in St. Denis, Blackwater and as an added service in the Valentine Saloon.
  • Emotes & Walking Styles: With your weapon holstered, you can bring up your emote list by holding L2/LT and tapping R1/RB. Additional emotes can be found by going into your Player Menu and selecting Online Options, from there you can select Emotes to equip. There, you can also change how your character walks.
  • Catalogue: Hold down left on the d-pad to bring up the Handheld Catalogue and pick up provisions, tonics, weapons, ammo, clothing and more while on the go. Alternatively, when not in-game, purchases can be made via the web Catalogue on Social Club. Once purchased, you can collect most of your goods from your Camp’s lockbox or the Post Office.

General Tips

  • Find and accept Free Roam missions from various characters. Or counter a rival Player’s mission for your own reward.
  • Enter a Showdown Series and compete against others by using a Series Marker or through the player menu.
  • Form or Join a Posse with other Players, and improve your chance of success in Red Dead Online.
  • Tap d-pad left to bring up the Player Menu. From here you see other players in the session, form or join a Posse, manage your Camp and horses, quickly join matches or series, adjust your voice chat options, and much more.
  • Utilize different Ability Cards categories (combat, recovery and defense) to help you survive the frontier. You can upgrade Ability Cards through 3 tiers of benefits and you can adjust them at any time to suit any scenario: use combat cards for attacking missions where you’ll rely on your weapons, or switch to defensive cards when escorting a wagon.


For more useful Guides check out the complete Red Dead Online Guides & Features, as well as the Horses Database, Weapons Database, and everything else on Red Dead Redemption 2!


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