A Short Walk in a Pretty Town is a main story mission in Red Dead Redemption 2 given by Bill Williamson, as part of Chapter 3.

It's the 41° mission in chronological order of the RDR2 story mode, played with protagonist Arthur Morgan.

A Short Walk in a Pretty Town - Mission Details:

Arthur, Micah, Bill and Sean go to meet some of the Gray boys in Rhodes to discuss a security job.

Mission Objectives

Gold Medal Objectives (100%)

The following are the Mission Objectives required to obtain the Gold Medal in the mission "A Short Walk in a Pretty Town":

  • Kill 3 Lawmen in Dead Eye while saving Bill
  • Complete using only sidearms
  • Complete within 4 minutes 30 seconds
  • Get 20 headshots
  • Complete the mission without taking any health items

Note: You must complete all Gold Medal requirements in one single playthrough of the mission.

A Short Walk in a Pretty Town: Mission Info

A Short Walk in a Pretty Town Gold Medal Video Walkthrough

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