Security Contract: Rescue Operation is a series of Freemode Missions in GTA Online, given by Franklin Clinton and associated to the Celebrity Solutions Agency property.

This job has been added to the game as part of the update on December 15, 2021, and is available on PS4, Xbox One, PC, PS5 and Xbox Series X|S.

This is a Solo or Co-Op mode that can be played by 1 to 4 players.

Find the under-siege client, eliminate the attackers and their backup, and return the client to a designated safe house location.

After buying an Agency, the player may access different small jobs in their office, offered by Franklin Clinton. These Contracts refresh every time the player logs into the computer and have different difficulties, so also different rewards:

  • Professional - $31,000 to $42,000
  • Specialist - $44,000 to $56,000
  • Specialist+ - $60,000 to $70,000

This article refers to the Rescue Operation Security Contract missions.

Rescue Operation: Importer

Hey, what's up? I'mma need you to head down to the terminal by the docks. Man, our client is a major importer and I guess he wandered into the wrong shipping container and saw too much of that after-hours shit, ya feel me? So... some hired guns blew up his car, man, and got him pinned down, we got to get him up out of there.

The mission involves rescuing an importer who's in danger at the Terminal docks. The client is trapped near his wrecked white Schafter, which is encircled by hostiles from the Professionals in a Fugitive and a Granger. The location of the ambush can vary, occurring either at the eastern side of the rail yard, the western area, or near the pedestrian overbridge. The player must navigate through hostile territory, facing enemies who pursue in Fugitives on the ground and Buzzards in the air.

The player's objective is to reach the importer, eliminate the surrounding threats, and ensure his safe extraction from the area. This requires careful strategy and efficient combat skills to tackle both ground and aerial enemies. The success of the mission hinges on the player's ability to neutralize threats quickly and escort the importer to safety, navigating through the dangers at the Terminal.

Rescue Operation: Witness Protection

Alright, look, we both know some shit about being in the wrong place at the wrong time, and so does today's client. He's supposed to be in witness protection after he busted his boardroom buddies with they hands in everybody else's cookie jar... but I guess somebody talked. His convoy just got ambushed somewhere near the La Puerta scrapyard. Rescue his ass and we get fuckin' paid.

In this mission, the player must rescue a client currently in witness protection. The target has been ambushed at La Puerta Scrapyard, surrounded by hostiles from the Professionals in a Fugitive and a Granger. Two of the client's bodyguards are already dead. The ambush location varies, potentially occurring near the scrapyard entrance warehouses, in a western area, or near the northern main building. Enemies will aggressively pursue the player using Fugitives on the ground and Buzzards in the air.

The player's goal is to swiftly reach the client, fend off the attackers, and ensure the safety of the target. This task demands quick reflexes and strategic combat, as the player confronts both ground forces and aerial threats. The mission's success is dependent on the player's ability to provide effective protection and escort the client away from the danger zone at the La Puerta Scrapyard.

Rescue Operation: Lawyer

You know we got a whole bunch of lawyers on the books, right? Human rights, corporate corruptions, you name it. You can see why she need us on speed dial. I guess she must'a put away the right people, 'cause her and her team was just ambushed over at the Land Act Dam. Get her out of there ASAP... and in one piece, a'ight?

In this assignment, the player is tasked with rescuing a lawyer under attack at the Land Act Dam. The lawyer, in need of immediate extraction, is surrounded by hostiles from the Professionals near her abandoned Cognoscenti vehicle. The ambush can occur in various locations: at the small jetty of the reservoir, inside the dam building, or at the foot of the dam. The enemy forces are equipped with Fugitivese for ground assaults and Buzzards for aerial attacks.

The player's objective is to navigate through the dam area, confront and neutralize the attacking forces, and safely extract the lawyer. This mission requires a balanced approach of tactical combat skills and quick decision-making to overcome both ground and air threats. Successfully securing the lawyer and evading enemy forces to complete the rescue operation is the key goal of this high-stakes mission.

Rescue Operation: Arms Dealer

Alright, look, homie, who'd'a thought an upstanding arms dealer would need his ass rescued? But that's just the kinda world we live in. And I know this dude personally... but I just got the call, man, that his plane was shot down somewhere over the desert, and him and his bodyguards are pinned down by the assholes who did the shootin'. We want his money, we better get up there fuckin' fast.

In this mission, the player must rescue an arms dealer whose plane, a Shamal, was shot down in Senora National Park. The dealer and his bodyguards are currently besieged by attackers known as the Professionals. The crash site and the ensuing confrontation can be located on the eastern side of the wreckage, near Cholla Road, or in the parking area of Nowhere Road. To complicate matters, the enemy forces are equipped with Fugitives for ground engagement and Buzzards for air support.

The player's goal is to swiftly reach the crash site, engage and eliminate the hostiles, and ensure the safety of the arms dealer. This task demands quick reflexes and strategic combat skills to handle both the ground troops and aerial threats effectively. Successful extraction of the arms dealer and evasion of the pursuing forces are crucial to complete this high-intensity rescue operation.

Rescue Operation: Trendy Millionaire

Okay, look, a little palate cleanse for you. Wait a minute... Did I just say "palate cleanse"? Man, I'm fucked.Anyway, man, apparently some rich dude's-asshole chopper just gone down over the forest. He's one of those young-ass trendy millionaires who do a lot of skydiving and shit, to try to forget everyone who hated on 'em in high school.He sent out an SOS signal near Raton Canyon, so head out that way, find him, man, pick his ass up and bring him home. But be careful though, this dude flies around in that bird all the time... so somebody might'a shot his ass down.

In this mission, the player is tasked with rescuing a trendy millionaire whose helicopter, a Maverick, has crashed near Raton Canyon. The crash site is currently under siege by the Altruists, known for using Rusty Rebels and Technical Customs on the ground, and Mavericks for air support. The location of the downed chopper and the ensuing confrontation can vary, with possible sites including near the river, along a dead-end dirt road, or to the east of the crash site.

The objective is to swiftly navigate to the crash site, confront and neutralize the Altruists, and ensure the safety of the stranded millionaire. This mission requires a combination of combat skills and strategic planning to tackle both the ground and aerial threats effectively. Successful rescue of the millionaire and evasion of the pursuing forces are key to completing this high-stakes recovery operation.

Security Contract: Rescue Operation: Job Info

Security Contract: Rescue Operation: Release Info

  • DLC / Title Update
  • Release Date December 15, 2021
  • Platforms PC, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, Xbox One

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