Unique Stunt Jumps are a Side Mission in GTA 3.
20 Stunt Jumps to take on in Liberty City, do you have the guts?
This is an optional endeavor, but it is required for 100% completion of the game. It's not time-sensitive, meaning it can be played at any point, even after the main storyline is completed.
This side activity is also present in Grand Theft Auto V, Grand Theft Auto IV, GTA San Andreas, GTA Vice City, GTA Vice City Stories, GTA Liberty City Stories and GTA Chinatown Wars.
Unique Stunt Jumps - Mission Details:
In Grand Theft Auto: III, there are 20 Special Stunt Jump locations across Liberty City for the player to complete: eight in Portland, four on Staunton Island, and eight in Shoreside Vale.
Each completed stunt jump earns the player a cash amount equal to $5000 times the number of unique jumps completed. Therefore, the first jump awards $5000, the next awards $10000, and so on, meaning that there is a total of $1,000,000 available to be earned. Stunt jumps can also award additional Insane Stunt Bonus payments.
Most jumps require high speed, and it is recommended to use the fastest cars or bikes in the game. When making a unique jump, the camera will switch to a slow-motion and/or cinematic view. If the jump was successful, a message will appear after landing.
Completing all 20 jumps is required for 100% completion of the game and awards the "Wheels Up" achievement.
GTA III Stunt Jumps Walkthrough - Original:
GTA III Stunt Jumps Walkthrough - Definitive Edition:
GTA III Stunt Jumps: Portland Island
Stunt Jump 1:
Location: Red Light District
Target: Land on the Portland EL tracks
Found North from Chinatown, South-East of Luigi's Sex Club 7. The ramp is on the pavement, on the south side of the subway entry.
Stunt Jump 2:
Location: Chinatown
Target: Jump over the pedestrian overbridge, back down on the grass.
North on the grass, next to the river near the Portland EL station, a concrete gas/utilities structure forms the ramp.
Stunt Jump 3:
Location: Callahan Point
Target: Jump down on the grass between the lanes.
In the central median of the Portland side of the Callahan Bridge, the black and yellow diagonally striped metal ramp is at the point where the lanes split apart slightly.
Stunt Jump 4:
Location: Callahan Point
Target: Jump over the two horizontal steel bridge girders on the grass at the end of the bridge.
From the landing point of jump #3, continue east on the grass where a hill jump is directly ahead.
Stunt Jump 5:
Location: Portland Harbor
Target: Jump over the row of trailers.
In the South of Portland Docks, there is a wooden ramp north of a row of parked semi trailers, in front of the Les Cargo bow.
Stunt Jump 6:
Location: Trenton
Target: Jump over the building to the street entering Portland Industrial Estate.
North of Liberty City Sawmills and Atlantic Quays, straight ahead as the road curves northwest. There is a wooden ramp on the grass behind the buildings.
Stunt Jump 7:
Location: Atlantic Quays
Target: Jump onto or over the warehouse roof.
West of the south-easternmost pier, awooden ramp resting against the low wall.
Stunt Jump 8:
Location: Atlantic Quays
Target: Jump over the water to the other side.
East of the southwestern corner along the water's edge, a large dirt pile forms the ramp.
GTA III Stunt Jumps: Staunton Island
Stunt Jump 9:
Location: Newport
Target: Jump over the courtyard, down on the street corner.
On the west side of the top level of the Newport Multistory Car Park, there is a concrete ramp in the corner.
Stunt Jump 10:
Location: Newport
Target: Onto Callahan Bridge.
Southwest on the overpass expressway towards Callahan Bridge, on top of the central median (a small ramp allows access at the point where it transitions from an open median to a covered and raised one). The ramp is formed in the chute between the billboards at the end of the grassed area at the end of the median north of the bridge.
Stunt Jump 11:
Location: Newport
Target: Over water to the dock on the south side, under the bridge.
Southbound on the eastern dockside on the north side of Callahan Bridge between parked semi trailers and shipping containers, the ramp is a dirt pile east of the bridge support.
Stunt Jump 12:
Location: Belleville Park
Target: Smashing through the west side window and over the street to the courtyard of the building opposite.
Westbound, smashing through the east side plate glass windows of TW@ and up the central stairway inside the building.
GTA III Stunt Jumps: Shoreside Vale
Stunt Jump 13:
Location: Cedar Grove
Target: Over the water to the park below.
Westbound towards Cochrane Dam, straight ahead at the hairpin, a natural grass-covered stone clifftop forms the ramp.
Stunt Jump 14:
Location: Pike Creek
Target: Down to the area behind the Fudge Packing Corp buildings below.
Eastbound in the yard of the Pike Creek Import/Export garage, the wooden ramp is on the far west side up against the perimeter wall.
Stunt Jump 15:
Location: Pike Creek
Target: Onto the Pike Creek LCPD Compound roof.
From the yard of the Pike Creek Import/Export garage, turn south before jump #14, the wooden ramp is on the far southwest corner up against the perimeter wall.
Stunt Jump 16:
Location: Wichita Gardens
Target: Over the water to the grassed area and street. The twist in the ramp can mean the vehicle will rotate and possibly not land on its wheels.
Northbound on the dirt road to the broken bridge with a twisted slope at the end of the bridge forming the ramp.
Stunt Jump 17:
Location: Francis International Airport
Target: Over the Airtrain to the tarmac on the other side, although the wing of the other jet can also be landed upon first.
Westbound on the west side of the terminal, an aircraft access stairway is parked next to an Airtrain on the south side of the road which acts as the ramp.
Stunt Jump 18:
Location: Francis International Airport
Target: Over the hangar to the tarmac.
Northbound just west of the landing for jump #17, the easternmost yellow and white striped concrete slope is the ramp.
Stunt Jump 19:
Location: Francis International Airport
Target: Over the hangar to the tarmac to jump #20.
Eastbound at the west end of the taxiway, the southernmost yellow and white striped concrete slope is the ramp.
Stunt Jump 20:
Location: Francis International Airport
Target: Over the hangar to the tarmac.
From the landing point of jump #19, continue eastbound towards the midpoint of the taxiway, the southernmost yellow and white striped concrete slope is the ramp.
Unique Stunt Jumps: Activity Info
- Mission Type Optional (Side Mission)
- Required for 100% Yes
- Rewards Up to $1,000,000; "Wheels Up" achievement