Smackdown is a main story mission in Grand Theft Auto IV, given by Derrick McReary.
It's the 54° GTA IV mission in chronological order, and it takes place in Alderney.
Derrick McReary asks Niko to kill one of his war mates, Bucky Sligo.
- If the player hasn't done Truck Hustle, this is the first mission in Alderney.
- The player will gain a 2 star wanted level even if the police kill the last gang member.
Smackdown: Mission Objectives
- Find a cop car.
- Use the police computer to find Bucky's hangout.
- Drive to Burger Shot,/span> where Bucky hangs out.
- Follow Bucky to his crew.
- You have found Bucky's crew, take down the whole gang.
Smackdown: Mission Info
- Game Edition Grand Theft Auto IV
- Mission Number 54
- Mission Giver Derrick McReary
- Location Acter Park, Acter
- State / Area Alderney
- Available After Mission (Story Mode)
- Rewards 6,500$; Alderney City Safehouse (if A Long Way to Fall is completed)
- Unlocked Items Babysitting Stevie's Car Thefts Alderney Safehouse
- Featuring Contender Police Patrol Taxi Taxi (Merit) Bucky Sligo Liberty City Police Department (LCPD)