Open Target Races is a Race Mode in Red Dead Online. It has been added to the game with the 1.07 March 2019 update on March 26, 2019.

This is a mode that can be played by 2 to 16 players. You have an unlimited amount of lives.

The Open Race variation of Target Races: in Open Target Races, players compete in an open space to take out all targets, then race to the finish.

You’re free to shoot targets in any order you wish, just keep an eye on how quickly your competition is knocking out targets and use the mini-map to know which target to hit next.

All players start out with a bow and arrow - but can also take advantage of strategic pickups along the courses.

Open Target Races Tips:

  • Ride through Stamina pickups to extend your Horse’s sprinting time or quickly recover from a drained Horse Stamina core.
  • Weapons pickups dole out firearms with limited ammo supplies – use a shotgun blast to quickly and easily takeout a checkpoint target or turn that weapon against your competition.
  • While players can lock-on to checkpoint targets, using weapons against other competitors will require proficiency with free-aim.

Players compete in an open space to take out all targets first while on horseback.

Open Target Races: Job Details

  • Notes This was first a PS4 Early Access mode. It was then made available to all players on April 30, 2019.

Open Target Races: Release Details

Open Target Races: Locations

This game mode can take place in the following map locations / variations:

  1. Caliban's Seat
  2. Cholla Springs Farm
  3. Emerald Ranch
  4. Lake Isabella
  5. Sisika



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