Jester Classic vs Veto Classic (Go-Kart) - GTA 5 & GTA Online Vehicles Comparison

Side-by-Side Comparison between the Dinka Jester Classic and Dinka Veto Classic (Go-Kart) GTA 5 Vehicles. Compare all the vehicle specifications, statistics, features and information shown side by side, and find out the differences between two vehicles or more.

Compare GTA 5 Vehicles Side-by-Side

Vehicle ClassSportsSports
Seats / Capacity1 seats2 seats
AcquisitionSouthern S.A. Super AutosLegendary Motorsport
Story Mode Price
GTA Online Price$895,000$790,000
Storage LocationGarage (Personal Vehicle)Garage (Personal Vehicle)
Request DeliveryMechanicMechanic
ModificationsLos Santos CustomsLos Santos Customs
SellCan be sold only if purchased (High-End)Can be sold only if purchased (High-End)
Sell Price (Resale) $537,000 ($679,245 when fully upgraded) $474,000 ($662,775 when fully upgraded)
Sell Price (Stolen)
Race AvailabilityGo-Kart RacesCan be used in Races
Special FeaturesArmored Vehicle Has Liveries Unique Radar IconHas Liveries JDM Car
Based on (Real Life)1960s-1970s Go-KartToyota Supra JZA80 (Mk IV)
Model Namevetojester3


Top Speed - Game Code75156
Top Speed - Real (Broughy) 78.80 mph (126.82 km/h) 119.75 mph (192.72 km/h)
Lap Time (Broughy)77.90266.1
Mass / Weight 450 KG 1,600 KG
Explosive Resistance 2 Homing Missiles
1 RPG / Sticky Bombs
1 Tank Cannon
2 Explosive Rounds
1 Homing Missiles
1 RPG / Sticky Bombs
1 Tank Cannon
2 Explosive Rounds

Vehicle Statistics

Speed 49.00% 83.70%
Acceleration 100.00% 80.00%
Braking 10.00% 31.67%
Handling 87.00% 78.03%
Overall Rating 61.50% 68.35%

Release Information

Release DateDecember 18, 2020July 24, 2018
Title Update
Game EditionGTA OnlineGTA Online
PlatformsPC, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, Xbox OnePC, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, Xbox One

To browse through all the vehicles included in GTA 5 & GTA Online, with custom filters and the ability to sort by any statistics and specifications, see the complete GTA 5 & GTA Online Vehicles Database.

Also, check out these useful articles:

Note: The Real Top Speeds of the vehicles have been accurately tested by Broughy1322 in a long straight line with the vehicles fully upgraded. For all the details, read his full explanation on how the Top Speed values were calculated accurately.


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