Brendan Darcy is a character that appears in GTA Online, introduced on December 15, 2015 as part of the update.

Brendan Darcy is the captain of the GTA Online protagonist's Galaxy Super Yacht.

He was previously an admiral in the Royal Australian Navy and is now a Yacht captain, also being the coordinator of the Yacht's defensive system, warning unauthorized players not to approach the yacht when the system are online.

Brendan Darcy: Character Info

  • Gender Male
  • Nationality Nationality: AustraliaAustralia
  • Location Los Santos
  • Occupation Yacht Captain
  • Also Known As Captain

Brendan Darcy: Phone Services

Brendan Darcy can be called by the GTA Online Protagonist for the following services:

Request Helicopter

" Tell the Captain to deliver a Helicopter to the coastline nearest your Yacht. "
The yacht's helicopter will spawn on the coastline near the yacht.
Price: $1000

Request Boat

" Tell the Captain to deliver a Boat to the coastline nearest your Yacht. "
The yacht's Dinghy will spawn on the coastline near the yacht.
Price: $750

Request Personal Vehicle

" Tell the Captain to deliver your Personal Vehicle to the coastline nearest your Yacht. "
The player's personal vehicle will spawn on the coastline near the yacht.

Request Job

" Request a job from your Galaxy Super Yacht Captain. "
A Random mission from the A Superyacht Life series will be sent to the player's phone

Brendan Darcy: Appearances

  • Game Edition Game Edition: GTA OnlineGTA Online
  • DLC / Title Update
  • Release Date December 15, 2015
  • Platforms PC, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, Xbox One

Brendan Darcy Screenshots

Coming soon.

Brendan Darcy Artworks

Coming soon.

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