Mel is a character that appears as a Random Character in Grand Theft Auto IV.

Mel is one of the frequent clients of Vlad's Comrades Bar.

Some time after the death of Vladimir Glebov, Niko and Mel can meet again.

Random Encounter

  • Unlocks after "Escuela of the Streets".
  • Available 24 hours a day.
  • Found one street north of the Russian Shop in Hove Beach.

Niko finds Mel now sober, but he says he needs to pay back some people from his drinking days. The man that Mel owes money to tries to kill Mel, but Niko successfully defends him and is awarded 500$.

Mel: Character Info

  • Game Edition Game Edition: Grand Theft Auto IVGrand Theft Auto IV

Mel: Appearances

  • Mel Spawn Locations in Grand Theft Auto IV

    Where to find the Mel in Grand Theft Auto IV:

    In his random encounter, he can be found one street north of the Russian Shop in Hove Beach.

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