The Bolas is a weapon in the Thrown Weapons class featured exclusively in Red Dead Online, added to the game as part of the 1.11 Frontier Pursuits update on September 10, 2019.
This weapon cannot be customized.
How to get the Bolas in Red Dead Online:
The Bolas can be purchased in Red Dead Online at any Fence for a price of $30.00 or .
This weapon is an exclusive item for Red Dead Online players pursuing the Bounty Hunter Role. This weapon unlocks when you reach Bounty Hunter Rank 10.
Bolas Description:
The Bounty Hunter’s Established Kit gives you access to the Bolas throwing weapon, perfect for tangling the legs of bounties.
This weapon is an exclusive item for players pursuing the Bounty Hunter Specialist Role as part of the Established Kit.
Those with the Prestigious Bounty Hunter License can also get three additional styles / variants of the Bolas: Hawkmoth, Brookstone, & Gravesend.
You can carry up to 3 Bolas of each type, for a total of 12 if combined with the other Bolas styles / variants available
Bolas: RDR2 Statistics
- Overall 23.33
Bolas: RDR2 Info
- Weapon Class Thrown Weapons
- Weapon Wheel Slot Throwables
- Acquisition Fence
- Associated Role
- How To Unlock This weapon unlocks when you reach Bounty Hunter Rank 10
- Online Price $30.00 or
- Modifications Cannot be modified
Bolas: RDR2 Appearances
- Game Edition
Red Dead Online
- Title Update 1.11 Frontier Pursuits
- Release Date September 10, 2019
- Variant Bolas Styles: Hawkmoth, Brookstone, & Gravesend (unlocked through Bounty Hunter Role progression)
Coming soon.