The Norfolk Roadster is one of the Horse Breeds featured exclusively in Red Dead Online, added to the game as part of the 1.15 Moonshiners update on December 13, 2019.
This horse is only available to Red Dead Online players pursuing the Moonshiner Role, and its various Coat Styles can be unlocked by progressing through the Role Ranks.
Norfolk Roadster Description:
The Norfolk Roadster is one of the most popular horse breeds today due to its versatility and ability to travel great distances at significant speed. Whether for riding, racing or use as a carriage horse, the Norfolk Roadster is a quite influential trotting breed and is known to have an excellent temperament.
Norfolk Roadster Coat Styles:
Black Norfolk Roadster
Piebaldo Roan Norfolk Roadster
Rose Grey Norfolk Roadster
Speckled Grey Norfolk Roadster
Norfolk Roadster Info
- Horse Class Multi-Class
- Handling Type Standard
- Animal Species Horse
- Animal Class Mammal
- Animal Family Equidae
- Size Large
- Peculiarity Domestic Animal
- Associated Role
- Hunting Cannot be hunted
- Required for Achievement No
- Notes This horse breed is exclusive to players pursuing the Moonshiner Specialist Role.
- Scientific Name Equus Ferus Caballus
Norfolk Roadster: Appearances
- Game Edition
Red Dead Online
- Title Update 1.15 Moonshiners
- Release Date December 13, 2019