Welcome to spooky month! Leaks and rumours have shown a potential "Halloween Pass" coming to the Wheeler Rawson & Co catalogue since the release of 'The Naturalist', and it should be coming out this month to celebrate Halloween. Before it comes in, I thought we could take a look at the best of what the last Outlaw Pass had to offer before it's put out to pasture. This may help the budding outlaws who haven't purchased it yet make their minds up!
Role Boosts and Rebates
Right off the bat, the third season of Rockstar's Outlaw pass provides you with an XP boost for all five of the roles currently in the game. As you work your way through the ranks, you'll slowly earn back all the gold you spent on purchasing the pass, as well as discounts, coupons and cash prizes to be spent elsewhere too. This immediately validates purchasing the pack.
Will Billiamson
Do you struggle with dynamite? Show it off with Bill Williamson's iconic singleplayer outfit!
RDO, But For Furries
Rockstar recently added the ability for us to magically turn into animals, through the powers of a hallucinogenic plant. We can purchase the pamphlets for this ability for 5 gold bars cheaper than the asking price thanks to this! Becoming a furry animal, now isn't that every Red Dead Online player's dream?
Sleep Tight
Who needs a clown movement, when you can show how tired of RDO you are by dressing up in a snug nightgown? We may not be able to sleep at our camps in-game, but we can look damn good crouching on our beds!
Seeing Red
Other colours are available, but the red is by far the prettiest in my opinion. Engrave your guns and paint them with the blood of your enemies.
Robin Banks
Wouldn't this fit perfectly with a vigilante role? Whether you're being an old-timey criminal or pretending you're Cowboy Batman's sidekick, this mask has many uses!
Now what could this be? A mysterious reward? Tied to a future update, or the all-but-confirmed Halloween Pass due in October? I don't know but I'm quaking in my cowboy boots
Max Rank
And upon completing all 80 levels of the outlaw pass, you get to dress up as the legendary Javier Escuella.
The Real Question - Was it Worth it?
Yes. Obviously. You get all of the gold you spent back, along with cash bonuses and discounts - that alone is worth it. The cool outfits, pictures and weapon modifications are icing on the cake. 45 Gold Bars may be no small fee, but so long as you play the game enough, it will eventually come to you for free. Each rank is 2000XP, so it doesn't take long to progress through and is much less of a grind than your typical season pass you get in the likes of Destiny.
Be quick though, because as of the date this article was posted, there's only 15 days until The Outlaw Pass 3 expires! Get on that grind!
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