Incredible but true, Red Dead Redemption 2 hit its all time peak in player count on Steam nearly an hour ago, due to the Black Friday sales!
Image & Info Credit: @videotechuk_
After 5 years from its release, the Rockstar masterpiece has reached its peak in sales and players, obviously only regarding the count of users who purchased and played the game via the Steam service.
However, it remains an important milestone and it is fascinating to think that it happened at this precise moment, 5 years after the game was released, indeed!
Also considering the fact that it is now basically "official" that its Online counterpart, Red Dead Online, has been completely abandoned, the goal just reached of new players who for the first time are diving into this wonderful Western adventure and who are still appreciating the game, takes on an even more important meaning, demonstrating how players are nowadays still connected and passionate about Singleplayer games but above all, how much RDR2 is a true masterpiece, which cannot fail to be played, experienced, loved and appreciated.
We are sure that it will continue to be played and appreciated for many years to come! However, stay tuned for new details regarding the first GTA 6 Trailer in early December!