Moonshiners, the latest Frontier Pursuit Update is available now in Red Dead Online. Team up with an infamous distiller to start your own Moonshining business and run it out of the new Shack property.

Moonshining takes your Trader skills to the next level and gives you your first business established outside of camp. Not only will you need to source ingredients and produce the goods, savvy Moonshiners will learn the demands of the market and time their shipments to align with the tastes of buyers. With that in mind, Moonshining requires you to have cut your teeth as a Trader, having attained either at least Rank 5 or completed one Trader Sell Mission. Once that’s been achieved, Cripps will get you connected with Maggie Fike at Emerald Ranch, an old hand in the bootlegging business that will help you get your fledging operation rolling.

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To run a proper shine trade – not some backwoods Lemoyne Raiders operation – you’ll need a property. Throw in with Maggie to purchase one of five Moonshining Shacks from which you’ll conduct your business. Once you’ve sourced your cook and equipment, Maggie will maintain the homestead’s front upstairs while the art of distillation takes place downstairs. The basement has room for optional expansions including a Bar, space for a band and a dancefloor, with additional upgrades for your moonshining equipment.

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Your mercantile journey will also offer a new series of Story Missions to take on solo or with your Posse, as Maggie Fike helps you build your business and gets a little revenge of her own along the way. Each mission earns you benefits to propel your business forward, as you eliminate rivals, learn new recipes and establish a steady clientele. Expand your burgeoning enterprise by developing different blends and distributing across the five states. You can also serve patrons directly while entertaining friends by expanding with your very own bar.

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Like all Specialist Roles, the Moonshiner features its own unique progression path that unlocks bespoke apparel and accessories, equipment upgrades to improve the business, new weapons like the Flammable Moonshine Jug, and a unique ornamental design for the Sawed-Off Shotgun, new Horse Breeds and more.

The Outlaw Pass No. 2

The Outlaw Pass returns with an expanded 100 ranks of fresh rewards featuring all-new clothing and accessories, Role XP boosts during the Club Membership period and Gold gifts up to 40 Gold Bars. You’ll also receive a variety of Offers and Rewards, a new feature in Red Dead Online detailed further below.

In addition, the free Wheeler, Rawson and Co. Club Membership entitles you to select perks as you accumulate XP up until March 10th, 2020. All Red Dead Online players are automatically enrolled in the Wheeler, Rawson and Co. Club just by playing.

For more details on The Outlaw Pass No. 2 and the Wheeler, Rawson and Co. Club, visit the official site.

Additional Updates

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Offers and Rewards is a new feature in Red Dead Online that can be found from the Benefits page in the Pause Menu. The Offers and Rewards page will display your collection of gifts, discounts, and promotions that can be applied to a range of goods. Rewards include gifts like Gold Bars, Refills on Trader and Moonshiner Business supplies, clothing items and accessories, and other complimentary gifts, while Offers include discounts on select items. Be sure to visit the Benefits page often to see the latest Offers, Rewards and ongoing promotions in Red Dead Online week to week.

Today’s update to Red Dead Online also features new clothing including Bandoliers and Corsets (with more items due to arrive in the coming weeks), a powerful new sidearm in the Navy Revolver, and more in addition to gameplay improvements and enhancements as we continue to build on and refine the game world. Among many other improvement, today’s update adds:

  • The ability to quick-swap weapons in the heat of battle – simply assign a “Quick Select” firearm within the Weapon Wheel, then tap L1/LB/Tab during gameplay to quickly switch between this and your currently-equipped weapon (you can still holster your weapon with a double tap of L1/LB/Tab or by selecting Unarmed in the Weapon Wheel)
  • Ability Card rebalancing on certain cards, and limits on Tonic use to ensure a level playing field for all players
  • Accessibility improvements for fishing, allowing players to reel in a catch by holding a button rather than circling the analogue stick
  • Increased stability for Horses, making your steed slightly less likely to fall down after a collision and quicker to get back up after a fall or revival

In addition, Rockstar added the ability to spawn directly at your Camp and made improvements to help mitigate the issue players have been experiencing with setting up their camps – and they will continue to work on ways to address these problems. As always, your direct feedback on Red Dead Online is integral to their ongoing work to make it all that it can be – please visit the feedback page to let they know your thoughts.

And be sure to check out a range of discounts including 5 Gold Bars off the Butcher’s Table, Rewards like a free Mash Refill for Moonshiners and a free Resupply for Traders, and bonuses like RDO$200 for each Role you start. Visit the Social Club Events page for a full rundown of current bonuses and discounts.

New Twitch Prime Benefits

If you’re a Twitch Prime member who has already linked their Social Club account to Twitch Prime and claimed your benefits, you’ll get a free Polished Copper Still Upgrade for your Moonshine business, which will help you brew stronger batches and also help improve your Bar. You’ll also get the Collector’s Bag for free, if you have yet to pursue the path of a Collector – finding and trading valuable treasure to Madam Nazar.

Red Dead Online players who become Twitch Prime subscribers on or after December 13th will be able to purchase both of these for free within 72 hours of becoming Twitch Prime subscribers.

Moonshiners is available now in Red Dead Online for PS4, Xbox One and PC – and coming to Google Stadia later this month.

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