• Game Edition Game Edition: GTA OnlineGTA Online, Game Edition: GTA V Story ModeGTA V Story Mode
  • Release Date December 10, 2013
  • Platforms PlayStation 3, Xbox 360

Title Update Notes

  • This update enables beta access to the Content Creator, a mode which allows you to customize your own races and deathmatches.
  • Players are now able to sell vehicles that they have purchased from websites.
  • Players are now able to run in apartments and garages.
  • Reward for being a good sport has been increased from $1,000 to $2,000
  • Fixed an issue where a character’s tattoos would disappear when encountering cutscenes.
  • Corrected an issue where players could make their vehicles and passengers invisible.
  • Sticky Bombs can no longer be thrown during the countdown for the starts of GTA Races.
  • Resolved issues where players were having problems accessing their accounts.
  • Corrected issues with Bounties.
  • Fixed an issue where Grenades could be filled up to maximum during UGC GTA Races.
  • Team Balancing has been improved, friends and Crew members are now grouped together and Rank is taken into consideration.
  • Fixed an issue where if a player has banked all of their cash, they were only charged minimal amounts for dying.
  • The Karin Futo can now be recovered normally after being impounded.
  • Fixed an exploit where players were able to clone Tanks.
  • Respawning has been improved to reduce the chance of repeatedly spawning in the same location.
  • Cash rewards have been adjusted in Races, Deathmatches, and Parachuting to allow increases in pay-outs.
  • There is now a 25% RP bonus at the end of Deathmatches, Missions, LTS, Survival, player kills, and AI kills when playing in Free Aim. This gives extra credit for completing actions with more skill.
  • Until a Race has been verified, players cannot earn RP in UGC Races.
  • Reduced the chance of being noticed by the Cops in stolen vehicles.
  • Impromptu Races can no longer be launched when in certain jobs.
  • Holdup Shopkeepers now have access to Ammu-Nation. You have been warned.
  • Due to changes in Deathmatches (Weapon Locking), some objectives will no longer appear in this specific type of match.
  • Weapon rewards (e.g. Shotgun in cop car) are blocked during weapon locked Deathmatches.
  • During Weapon Locked Deathmatches, Ammo Drops will not contain Molotovs.
  • Players who do not participate during Survivals can now be flagged as such by other players in the group and removed from the Survival.
  • New awards added for the Creators.
  • Players are given 1RP for every ‘like’ they receive for their creations in the Creators.
  • Leaderboard functionality has been removed for any non-Rockstar content, i.e. no access to Social Club leaderboards in corona/end of mission, no best laps/personal bests, matched Crew for Head to Head etcetera.
  • Passive Mode is now free ($0) to allow players more options when playing with friends.


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