Messing With The Man is an optional story mission in GTA Vice City, given by Mitch Baker.
It's the 26° GTA Vice City mission in chronological order, and it becomes available after completing Alloy Wheels of Steel.
While this is an optional mission, it is still required for 100% completion of the game.
Tommy proves himself by causing havoc on the streets.
Messing With The Man: Mission Objectives
- You must fill the Chaos Meter in the time given to show us how much of a badass you are!
Messing With The Man: Mission Info
- Mission Number 26
- Mission Type Optional (Side Mission)
- Mission Giver
Mitch Baker
- Location The Greasy Chopper, Downtown
- Available After Mission (Story Mode)
- Required for 100% Yes
- Rewards $2,000
- Unlocked Items
Hog Tied
- Featuring
Vice City Bikers
Vice City Police Department (VCPD)
- Notes The only storyline mission in the 3D and HD era that encourages killing innocent pedestrians..